I got the aniracetam from smart powders. the only thing with it is that it's fat soluble, so it's best taken with food. if you want something water soluble, go with oxiracetam.
the best way i can describe the feeling was when i had them before my exams, it felt like every question was something i'd just studied n was fresh in my mind. i was fairly average with 2 of my classes, just below on one, and 2nd top in the other up until the exams. after i ended up with 3 distinctions and 1 hd and, since these are scaled marks, i must have done pretty well to end up in the top 20% of all my classes.
from what i gather noopept is more of a lucid dreaming kinda thing. the huperzine with a little aniracetam would be great on test/exam days as the hup will up your acetylcholine levels and the aniracetam will make the most of it. i'd be careful not to over-do the huperzine though.