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Non IFing experiment


Well-known member

N=1 experiment complete.

First 7 weeks of cut I went from 8.39% at 83.9kg to 80.9kg at 7.44%.
This represented a fat loss of 1.kg and LBM loss of 1.92kg. (During this time I was skipping breakfast and eating first meal at midday ish)

For the following 7 weeks I added a protein feeding in the morning of 1 serve of bcaas and 1 protein bar. 30g protein total.
I went from 80.9kg at 7.44% to 80kg at 6.29%. (this one was at midday though so probably closer to 79kg in the morning)
This represented a fat loss of 1kg and an increase in LBM of 100g. (If I were to use 79kg BW, fat loss is 1.1kg and and LBM loss is 800g)

As the second part of the cut was lower calories and I was lower BF% I would have expected more LBM losses in that time period compared to the first. So my conclusion is that , FOR ME, when I am at a very low bf% having an additional protein feeding i.e. not fasting is beneficial for preservation of LBM.

Training remained the same during the whole cut. 4x a week strength training, LISS cardio on the recumbent bike when I watch TV. The only time it changed is during the last 2 weeks when I have done CKD and I only did strength training twice as I just didn't have the energy to do any more.

Protein intake average is around 200g while calories were higher. (approximately 2.67g/kg of LBM) And during PSMF for the final 2 weeks, protein average is 250g (3.34g/kg of LBM)

I hope this experiment is beneficial to someone else other than me
I only did the lower cal/higher protein for 5 days last week and 1 day before dexa this week. For the majority of the time it would be very similar protein intake

But yeah, nothing conclusive but I hope it interests some people. I highly recommend self experimentation to see what works best for you.

Also, plugging in my caliper readings (done by me at the same time each week with pro calipers 3 point) the numbers are very similar. I typically don't really care about the %'s it gives just the trends.
At 87kg at start of cut

at 79kg Monday
did the same experiment brother, all IF led to was me thinking about food wayyy to much, adding in some whey and butter blended in my coffee in the morning has worked wonders i too had simular resuts went from 68 at 11.25% to 73.5 @10.61% just by adding my break-fast back in
each to their own but fuck i think IF is ridiculous and its not some sort of magic bullet people think it is
I think when you do get down to the finer points of dieting, comp conditioning this is where these little things help - which I have always said.

IF is fantastic - but if you are trying to get to that next level these little things needed to be added.

Great post mate - thank you.

Anyone that thinks IF is magic is just as big an idiot as people who think 6 meals a day is magic.