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I apologise in advance for asking a question which has probably been answered elsewhere (I did have a quick look) and/or irritating in nature ...

I'm currently using an oral stack (first time trying steroids) which I bought online from the US however I don't feel like it is making much difference at all. Although I'm sure most people on this forum would be more experienced and knowledgable about bodybuilding than me, I have been using gyms for years and have done plenty of reading and listening in that time so I'd like to think I have a reasonable idea of what I'm doing when I'm training.

I'm hoping someone can recommend the best product/stack (including dosages) for an 8 week cycle.

Obviously orals would've been preferable however I get the impression that injectables are regarded as more effective and my number one priority is for the best results.

Thanks in advance
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But do you even need gear? Eg whats your training history/progress like?

Theres a stickied thread in this section that has some pretty reliable info on a beginning protocol to use.
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As mentioned, I have been using gyms for years and over that time I have been constantly trying to learn more about how to train more effectively. Unfortunately I seem to have a pretty fast metabolism so long periods of hard training/eating/sleeping still amount to reasonably slow progress.

Do I need gear? This seems to be a controversial topic on here! From my point of view, I only have a few months off over summer from my chosen sport so I would like to maximise the results of my hard work in the short time that I have. I'm certainly a member of the "I want it now" generation but I think to some extent that most of us are - how many people do you know saved up the total amount and bought their house with cash? And if I take the long road to achieve the goals I have today, will they even still be a priority for me in 10 - 20 years time? I'll admit I do want everything in life and I want it yesterday however I am also prepared to work very hard for it and am aware and prepared to accept that sometimes this comes at an extra price.

Thanks heaps for pointing out the "Newbie" thread. I did well to miss that being one of the first threads under the topic! Have just read through the full thread and it's very informative. Love the "man on fire" quote too! Haha!
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I can't believe you can just buy steroids online from the US.

someone mustn't have done there job somewhere..
I was surprised too, although I have my doubts as to whether they are even genuine gear
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I can't believe you can just buy steroids online from the US.

someone mustn't have done there job somewhere..

I bring a fair bit of imported building material through port of brissie, got pretty friendly with the aqis and customs blokes, they told me 80% of shit coming through doesn't get checked don't see why mail would be anymore thorough then the port, its just luck of the draw. Of the 50 odd containers I got through last year 2 got inspected, 1 got an xray scan. Pretty fucking good odds, not that there is anything untoward about it just observing how shitty our border security is.

I thought aussie customs were the strictest in the world and check everything?

I often get stuff overseas. Nothing illegal but only ever had one thing checked and that was when the place mislabeled the value at $17400 when it was only $174.
I purchased vitamins from an American site and these were checked by customs. It was only multivites. What was your package labelled as if you don't mind me asking?

Muscle is earn't btw buddy no amount of steroids is gunna give you the mind set to squat mate. If you are to inexperienced to learn the diet to back up your training then u should invest in knowledge first. also u don't seem that u are mature enough to jump on the juice. I've never cycled but if I did I wouldn't take an oral only cycle. No matter how much roids u pump in dat ass cheek mate muscle is paid for by lifting for years not a quick cycle..
Dude if you can't put weight on now and in the years you have been training than whatever gains you get on a cycle your going to loose straight away if your eating/training is shit . inb4 squats&milk

True. I've dealt with them a fair bit in my old job. Truth is they're to short staffed and mainly target known dodge places of origin.

I ran 10grams of test pw for my first cycle.

But do you even need gear? Eg whats your training history/progress like?

Yes i do need gear, i don't train, i just use gear.
If the guy wants to juice and hes gone and orderd shit online and taken the shit not knowing wat it really is im pretty sure hes made his mind up hes gona juice. And no ammount of squatting is gona scratch the itch haha.

This isnt advice mate its just my opinion..

10-12 wks of test c or e
Dose at around 500-600mg pw split into 2 shots
.25 ed adex
250iu mon & thurs hcg
21 days after last shot run
40/40/20/20 Nolva
100/100/50/50 Clomid

Wat to expect?
So long as ur eating enough ull gain.
Over the 6 months after finishing ur cycle ull loose all ur results u got on cycle.
If u want juice results for life u gotta juice for life. Its not like buying a house at the end of ur mortgage u own the home. But at the end of ur cycle u go back to how u were b4.
Hope this helps u make a decision for yourself!
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My friends brother was a pure ecto. 1 cycle and his bench jumped 30 and he is just generally huge compared to before. Hasn't done another cycle. Got his organs tested etc. The weight hasn't disappeared. Is that normal? I saw a photo on facebook the other day.. you can barely recognise him lol.
i struggle with my fat now, i hover around 120-130kgs whether im holding say 20% or 12%bf, normally to get my BF% down i increase my reps and decrease my rests, i train more like a BB rather than a powerlifter and do some boxing.(some t3 and eph helps too).
i firmly beleive i "struggle" because of steroid use in the past, iv always put muscle on easy but im always looking for an easier way, in the early days i had no internet and bladders full of gear to pump into myself, no PCT at all and no diet.

seeing as though iv been through all this and i put muscle on easy i do feel sorry for the you ecto's and his struggle to get big, simple meat and potato cycles are what an ecto needs, i also beleive 'using' can also trigger a life long love with the metal. but like i said it can make you lazy especially off cycle.

you will need to train harder than me, diet alot better and (drink more beer)

taking more gear than me wont make your journey any quicker or easier, taking a little may well help you on your way though, look at shane stratton a piss ant of a kid and next minute mr aus, although he trained real hard and his diet was A+.

by using say-

500mg/w of enathate
400mg/w of equipoise
nolva only or clomid too.
would certainly be of benefit to you but some may say its already to much for you.

Ok I have a mate whoz been juicing and winning comps for about 5 yrs. His family thinks hes el naturial.
If you're gonna do dbol run it at 30mg a day. Take the 10mg tablet 3 times a day a few hours apart.

Personally I think that's a waste of money. You are going to lose everything you have gained. You should be running test with an oral as a jump starter.

If I was going to do a 1st cycle it would be something like this.
1-5 weeks 60mg tbol (less water retention and more solid gains)
1-12 weeks test e at 500mg (2 pins a week)
And don't forget an ai and pct.

Well that's just my opinion.