I don't see it as being a one food issue, I really don't. Be that food milk (yes milk is liquid food), pasta, meat, bananas, or whatever else; it takes more than a single food to make one gain or lose fat. I see, (and have proven it to myself at least) that it's not how high or low your calories really are that counts, if you don't take the speed of your metabolism into account.
Go ahead and drink not 1 gallon of milk, but 10 gallons of milk and see what happens. I know the most of you would quickly say fat fat fat to the 10 gallons of milk! But then when I ask you why fat? Why even gain weight of any kind, what would you say?
We put petrol into our cars but what determines how low the petrol gauge needle goes (or how fast I should say) is the way we drive that car. In other words it’s the activities that we do do or we don't do that would ultimately determine not only the speed of which we gain or lose weight, but whether we in fact gain or lose in the first place.
On 13500 calories I did not gain or lose a single gram (I know this because I weighed myself every single day). As I changed sports and became a bodybuilder, I continued with my high level of activities and found it extremely hard to gain weight irrespective whether I drank not milk, but oil itself!
Brothers, please trust me when I tell you that it won't be the milk that makes you fat but your less than appropriate level of activities. Furthermore, your ultra high calories won't help you achieve your weight gain for as long as your level of activities that you can not help yourself from doing is curtailed.
On one hand we have the young energetic lifter who goes to the gym five to six nights a week, does high volume training, does his football training on the weekends as well as on his gym day's off, goes partying, does this and does that. He says he can not eat more than he's already eating or he can not drink more than the 5 gallons of milk that his cow is producing everyday; what is he to do? I say there's only one thing to do and that is slow down a bit so your metabolism can like wise, slow down a bit and facilitate for you some weight gain.
I know I have shifted the discussion slightly (slightly Fadi?!) from milk, sorry about that. But please start thinking metabolism rate and work your food intake and workouts around it; it will be a lot less painful, a lot less confusing, and a lot more profitable for you.
You don't have to believe a word I'm saying and I wouldn’t want you either, not at face value anyway. However what I would like you to do is try and prove me wrong if you can. I did not go to google to write what I've shared with you here, nor did I get it from a book. I found there was no need for either's assistance. But I did go inside myself for some answers/proof and I tapped into my memory and recalled the 100s of times a skinny person says something to the effect of: “man look how skinny I am, how can I get big like you?" After asking him few questions, you find that the man just doesn't stop moving, sometimes even when he's relaying his problem to you; you find that he can not remain still for more than few seconds, fidgeting continuously. Of course the other side of the coin is the one who says: "man I've tried every diet in the book and I still can't get rid of this tyre, can you help me?" After few questions you find that the man although does not eat what may be considered as a high calorie diet, what you find is that he (being the flip side of the first man) just doesn't like to move.
I have seen it times and again, a quick and sudden change of attitude brings on a quick and sudden change in bodyweight, whether up or down. The lawyer (true story) who comes to the gym day in and day out to lose his 30 or 40kg of excess weight only to go home the same way he arrived at the gym...until, until he visits the doctor and gets given an ultimatum: "lose or lose your life soon!" I swear to you, 30kg and 40kg of fat came off that lawyer in record time, so fast that everybody noticed and commented, me first since I was the gym instructor at the time. I'll leave it here and I hope I haven't bore you to sleep!
Well I am not infallible, so forgive me if I have made a mistake in what I have said above. After all I'm still here, so you're most welcome to ask for clarification of what I've said.
God Bless and thank you for your time.