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New routine


Registered Rustler
Ok, I'll be starting this routine that I typed up this morning, I'll be starting it next week. I think everything is right but if anyone can chip in on tempos I'd be grateful. Also one thing, I chose to do chest assistance after chest work and tricep assistance after shoulder work (don't need shoulder assistance as mine seem to grow fine with chins, bench and pressing even when not training for hypertrophy). Would I get better results swapping the tricep and chest assistance around so that I am hitting chest and triceps twice a week instead of once, or will hitting it hard once a week like I have written be best?

"Starting Aesthetics"
Upper/lower training split for mass and strength
Increase the weight on bench, deadlift, squat and OHP every week
Week 4 is a 'cruising' week. Drop all Assistance and do 40,50,60% on each lift for 5 reps
Tempo is (eccentric,bottom,concentric,top)
Swap assistance exercises when progress stops being made
Do 2 sets of warmup before every lift. 40,50,60% is used to warm up for main exercises.
3-5 minutes of rest between main exercise sets, 2 minute rest between assistance, 15 second for rest/pause

Routine: A1,B1,x,A2,B2,x,x
Bench press: 3x5
DB Incline Press: 5x10 (40X0)
One arm dumbbell rows: 5x10 (40X2)
Calves: 10-20 reps r/p (3,15,X,2)
External rotators: 4x10 (2020)

Deadlift: 1x5
Leg Press: 1x20 (4,0,X,10)
Cable Crunch: 5x5
Barbell curls: 15-20 reps r/p (40X2)
Finger curls: 1x15 (3,15,X,2)

Press: 3x5
Decline tricep extensions: 5x10 (40X0)
Weighted chin-ups: 5x10 (40X2)
Calves: 10-20 reps r/p (3,15,X,2)
External rotators: 4x10 (2020)

Squat: 3x5
45 degree back extensions: 5x10
Cable Crunch: 5x5
Incline DB curls: 15-20 reps r/p (40X2)
Finger curls: 1x15 (3,15,X,2)
Strength/Mass/General well being
I was a competitive cyclist up until recently but just moved here from England so I'm taking a few years out while I get my shit together
Since you listed strength first, i would assume that is primary?

I would run a strength program if i were you, Markos said many times to me.. "think less, train more''.

funnily enough , its worked out a treat.
I was confused re the finger curls also. Didn't know there were muscles to be worked there?
Finger curls are for increasing grip strength. You let the barbell roll out onto your finger tips then grip the barbell back into your palms. I recently moved to hook grip with deadlifts and need a bit more grip work

jchen said:
Since you listed strength first, i would assume that is primary?

I would run a strength program if i were you, Markos said many times to me.. "think less, train more''.

funnily enough , its worked out a treat.

Because it works well
If you want to improve your grip do it in a less faggy time manner by doing chin ups holding a towel, clean grip deads or get some Grip4Force thingos from underground elite to put around the bar
But then I'm adding in more volume for muscles I've already worked increasing recovery time. So I have swap another exercise out for it and not working those muscle groups in an efficient manner as my grip will give way first. This way I'm just sticking it on the end of my training session and it doesn't affect dick

Plus they work well
doing chin ups holding a towel,


Finger curls?
This is an extremely effective method of improving grip strength if it is incorporated into forearm curls.
Andy, i used to do them using my BJJ gi wrapped over the bar but for most people a towel is more accessible

Ummm that's exactly what you're doing with your finger/hand/forearm muscles
Andy, i used to do them using my BJJ gi wrapped over the bar but for most people a towel is more accessible

Ummm that's exactly what you're doing with your finger/hand/forearm muscles

Yes but that doesn't mean they don't need extra work. Also with towel pullups, if you did a good job in the loading parameters for the rowing and pulling exercises, why overtrain the lats and upper back?
What do you lift for Oni? I noticed you have nice lifts for your body weight but you are also damn tiny at 65kg, you say you were a competitive cyclists but it does not sound like you will be going back to that. You said strength and size but what are your actual goals in bodyweight, lifts etc.

I like lifting, honestly I don't think anything has ever given me as much joy as going to the gym to train. I have a tendency to overtrain though because of this, I like setting pr's! I still lift "to get better at cycling" I'm just taking a break from competition for a few years while I settle in here (recent migrant from Britain). I'm probably going to join a cycling club in the barossa when I get my bike. I'll be getting this I think:

RIDE 93-com - Road Bike - Merida Bikes International

Also Mr. Dave, my hip still hurts when I pull my knee up or twist my knee to the side. I've been avoiding using my hips for 2 weeks now (apart from walking) but what can I do to speed recovery up? I can sumo deadlift without pain but I'd really like to squat this Friday if I can
2 weeks of pain is a trip to the physio. Get it diagnosed then come back to me. Lay off the squatting for a while. You should have a look at 531, it may not be exactly what you think you want but I think it is what you need. Follow it and do the bodybuilding version Wendler has set up. You will get better results. That is what I would suggest to anyone in your position. Also all this lifting and added mass will ruin your cycling later on.
Yes 5/3/1 is exactly what I was going to move onto after I have finished with weekly progression. Also I plan on only hypertrophing my fast twitch fibers (specifically IIb) so it won't affect my cycling that much. Many people think that mass = bad for cyclists because they need relative strength but gaining say 15lbs will improve my relative strength a lot more than if I didn't gain the weight (and I can always diet back down again)
ONI, I think you severely over think and over plan things.

Why not channel all this extra effort into your lifting instead?