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New fad the malaysian prison diet

I'm slightly offended by Downatello but this thread seems to me to be in good taste, not sure how I came to that conclusion given the obvious similarities...

So if I don't disclaimer everything with "IMO" or "I think" i am passing my opinions as fact am I. What bullshit.

As for your points:

1. IMO there is only one thing in this thread you can interpret as me pushing my opinions as fact, and I still dont think so.

2. I didnt do that at all you idiot.

All I did was express my opinions, which of course I will think are right and will do so untill someone proves or convinces me otherwise.

Also Rapey, you didn't need to dumb it down a little, you needed to fix your original statement, which was dumb.
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Can you please descibe for me the location and procedure for departing your place of rest this morning? I wish to diagnose your predicament.
I'm slightly offended by Downatello but this thread seems to me to be in good taste, not sure how I came to that conclusion given the obvious similarities...

That one is generally pretty touch and go, l can legitimately see why people get the shits on with that one. Getting mad because someone is calling a fat bitch a fat bitch on the other hand seems a little stupid, a spades a spade...

If you dont like this thread dont read it. simple
So making fun of a someone of clearly terrible character is bullying but you can just up and call someone an idiot.

Seems a bit hypocritical doesn't it ya bully.

Rapey has just insulted me. Did that lady insult you? Then these situations are not the same.

Good try though.
Rapey has just insulted me. Did that lady insult you? Then these situations are not the same.

Good try though.

Bullying is bullying bro, whether you were provoked or not is no excuse. Welcome to the shit person club as defined by yourself.

Further to the above coming into this thread with the self serving purpose of trying to put your weird guilt trip on us so you feel a warm glow inside your humourless soul is bordering pretty close to bullying behaviour as well.
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Bullying is bullying bro, whether you were provoked or not is no excuse. Welcome to the shit person club as defined by yourself.

Lol thats very weak fluffly, but suppose when you are a mental midget you take what you can get.

Atleast i give my victims the chance to respond.
Lol thats very weak fluffly, but suppose when you are a mental midget you take what you can get.

Atleast i give my victims the chance to respond.

Again with the insults and bullying, is the only way you can articulate yourself by bringing others down?
Listen genius.

I can articulate myself without insults but there are times IMO that insults are called for.

We live is a world of greys, not black and white. I use my own judgement and decide when it is reasonable to insult someone.

In this case i have decided it is reasonble, you fucking stupid ****.

Anyway im done with this thread.

All good bro, your last few posts have made it clear to everyone who the real bully is in this thread is. My jokes may not be tasteful but at the end of the day tongue in cheek humour is still in better taste then name calling.
Lol thats very weak fluffly, but suppose when you are a mental midget you take what you can get.

Atleast i give my victims the chance to respond.
Your victims a chance to respond? Rookie mistake, always double check roofie dosages
All good bro, your last few posts have made it clear to everyone who the real bully is in this thread is. My jokes may not be tasteful but at the end of the day tongue in cheek humour is still in better taste then name calling.

I feel bullied and violated by your verbal onslaught.
Your victims a chance to respond? Rookie mistake, always double check roofie dosages

I feel bullied and violated by your verbal onslaught.

This shit needs to be moved to that lame bullying thread I started to bait everyone a couple months ago.

If this **** thinks this thread is offensive he should get his arse in some of my other threads like 'ugly women' or 'let fluffy solve your problems'
Thread was awesome, this person is a fagg0t end of argument.

Anyone ever felt weaker after dropping a few kgs? Maybe a stupid question but 105x5 was just heavy as fuck on bench.
Thread was awesome, this person is a fagg0t end of argument.

Anyone ever felt weaker after dropping a few kgs? Maybe a stupid question but 105x5 was just heavy as fuck on bench.

Depends how you went about losing said few kg's?.... If you pulled a deep/kaz and went on a red bull / cabbage diet then yeah, you're going to lose quite a bit of strength along with those kg's....
Moderate calorie cut, still eating reasonably but I am down around 3-4kgs on my 100kg self. (Happy with the way I look, big difference, but hate the apparent slight strength loss)
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Moderate calorie cut, still eating reasonably but I am down around 3-4kgs on my 100kg self. (Happy with the way I look, big difference, but hate the apparent slight strength loss)

Happens to me all the time I am at my strongest packing a beer gut and eating the house down which is the exact opposite of when I am on a slight cal deficit. Once I see upper abs I'm weak as piss.

Its really hard to find the balance. I suspect the same rules don't apply to people giving the gear a nudge. All my mates pumping juice are massive and always rocking abs.
Yep I look like a model _compared_ to my former self but I just carried two 20kg plates out to the yard and it felt like a farmers walk.
Yep I look like a model _compared_ to my former self but I just carried two 20kg plates out to the yard and it felt like a farmers walk.

It's great to be strong but really who wants to look like a fat arse. Like I said hard to find the balance aye.