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Need some opinions - Beginner/Intermediate lifting programs

well, so far the options are back to 5x5, cube or 5/3/1, not too keen on 5/3/1, don't know a whole lot about cube and eh for the 5x5. i'll probably stick to straight 5x5

Why don't you try and make your own program?
well, so far the options are back to 5x5, cube or 5/3/1, not too keen on 5/3/1, don't know a whole lot about cube and eh for the 5x5. i'll probably stick to straight 5x5

I use the cube method ideals for strongman. I have messed with the assistance a bit but the loading scheme for the main lifts are the same. I have had great success and have been really enjoying it. I highly recommend it.

I wasn't much for 5/3/1 either, but I have had training partners make great gains with it. Peoples reactions to programs are different and we all get different results.
5x5 with a whole lot of brobuilding worked for me.

I'm doing 20+ sets for chest/shoulders twice a week and it's working now... Lots of sets of 10+, some heavy sets of 2-5.

5/3/1 just doesnt look like enough volume.
5x5 with a whole lot of brobuilding worked for me.

I'm doing 20+ sets for chest/shoulders twice a week and it's working now... Lots of sets of 10+, some heavy sets of 2-5.

5/3/1 just doesnt look like enough volume.

By volume are you referring to volume over say, 70%?
The stock template you're getting in 100 reps of pressing a week at 50-60%
Some over 70%, some under. I haven't analysed it in detail yet. Just trying to have a 'rep'/'pump' day and a heavy day. When I was making good progress before I guess I was doing 5x5@75%+ for bench and military and 10-15 more sets at a weight I could hit for 10-15 reps, but I'd only hit 8-10 due to fatigue.

All I've really worked out is being a pussy and having short workouts doesn't work. I'm experimenting with using high rep stuff (8-15) and going till I have no more reps in the tank, hoping it will cause hypertrophy.......
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Spoto starts off with 20 reppers and works up in a pyramid up to some heavy shit then goes for a max pump. Pretty much his words
Why don't you try and make your own program?

It is an option but I have never had a educated attempt of building a program.

also, a slight edit to my original thread:

Apart from a program with a higher volume/intensity on the upper body lifts. I was looking for any ideas or past experiences on certain programs, exercises or anything else in reguards to speed or explosive training, never really done much plyo sort of work although i'm an active kickboxer, wrestler and grappler at the moment on topof the lifting. If there was any sort of work I could add into a program or just do altogether which could help with speed, and explosiveness that would be great.

I feel like I have a strength advantage over some while sparring and doing drills, especially in the hips, although the speed, explosiveness and reaction time is just not there, thats mostly to do with grappling, I have quite a lot of power being generated from my hips in kicks although that explosive speed just isn't there.

Probably a bit to ask as i know theres not a lot of people on here who can relate, although any further help would be appreciated!
How much do you eat? What do you eat? How much sleep do you get?

In my experience, upper-body lifts respond well to more food, and you're nowhere near the point where Texas Method should be ineffective, so I don't think switching programs is the answer at all. If anything you could still program your upper-body lifts like SS, while doing Texas Method for your lower-body lifts.

i'm an active kickboxer, wrestler and grappler at the moment on topof the lifting

If you're doing this a few days a week AND doing Texas Method, your recovery from volume day is going to be shit.

Eat more. Sleep more.

I eat around 4k cals a day, sleep around 8 hours seeing that i'm still slowly increasing in body weight i don't think upping the cals anymore would do much. Its not that my upper body can't handle heavier weight, its just that doing the prescribed reps/weight in texas method is just not enough to progress very well. I could do that but would that be beneficial to do so or would it be a better idea to do regular SS altogether?
Okay so i was thinking about maybe doing a 3x5 program but use the 5/3/1 style boring but big assistance program? A layout might look something like the following:

Monday -

Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5


Squat 3x10 or 5x10 @50%
Bench 3x10 or 5x10 @50%

Wednesday -

Squat 3x5
Press 3x5
Deadlift 1x5


Squat 3x10 or 5x10
Press 3x10 or 5x10


Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5


Squat 3x10 or 5x10
Bench 3x10 or 5x10

Thats only rough and from the top of my head, just an idea, not a big fan of 5/3/1 but I thought maybe if I could include this into a 3x5 or even just use my texas method squatting plan still and use this? Not exactly sure and i'm well aware that mucking around of programs can be a bad idea, just looking for opinions. All help appreciated!
How about Westside for Skinny Bastards?

Why not try the PTC beginners program in the Powerlifting thread? You could maybe do this for a month then 5x5 for month. Switch it up between low and high volume.

Paul Carter's from Lift Run Bang also has some nice programs.

I've had good luck using 531 and could reccomend it. It would be easy to tweak the assistance exercises to suit a beginner. The squat 3x a week or boring but big would be a good template.
" Is it useful to have some guidelines? Yeah. Are there a lot of fucking great routines to follow? Hell yeah- Smolov, Sheiko, the Bulgarian System, Wendler's 5/3/1... the list goes on and on. That's not to say, however, that they're magical. You'll get out of them what you put into them, and if you half-ass it through a badass workout, you'll continue to suck. Conversely, if you bust your ass at a shitty program (maybe even HIT?), you'll get gains. Intensity, dedication, and enthusiasm are the fucking keys there. Stop focusing on the wrong shit."

Mike Mentzer is living (dead) proof that intensity+awesome genetics+coke-fueled workouts+shit program can still equal good physique

Where's that quote from Oni?
I have to agree here, depending on what your goals are just get in there and lift some weights.
You want to lift for 3 reps then pick a weight that you can lift for 3 reps, you want to lift for 10 reps then pick a weight you can lift for 10 reps, for as long and as often that suits you or that your body will allow.
We need to analyse less and lift more.
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Mike Mentzer is living (dead) proof that intensity+awesome genetics+coke-fueled workouts+shit program can still equal good physique

Mentzer HIT is a lifestyle not a training programme.

Coke and two plate curls!!!!!!!!!!
It is reported that Arthur Jones put a gun to his head, told him not to push his drugs around him.

Told security to not let him in at Deland.

One of the things I liked about Arthur was that he always carried a Colt 45.