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Need help with Diet! (18 years old)


New member
Hello ausbb.com, my name is Ash and I'll start off by posting my stats.

Age: 18
Height: 6'0
Weight: 188 lbs

I'm a mesomorph. I have some muscle on me already (thanks you mum and dad for genetics) but also some fat from not doing much exercise. I have a solid build and I know once I get a good diet and start hitting the gym I'll have a smashing body. Now I need help with a diet that won't put on fat but will build muscle. I already know what to eat (Tuna, rice, eggs, chicken, meat etc..) But I need to know when and how many I need. I've already tried some automatic diet planners but I prefer human input. I prefer 5-6 meals a day and I'm going to order prolab creatine soon and I'm going to drink 2.5g before and after workout, and my workouts will be around 7:30 in the morning. So help me with my diet and if you want I'll pay you a couple of dollars if I like it lol.

Thanks again ausbb.
1. Save your money and don't order prolab creatine. Order it from bulknutrients or nobullsupplements. Same powder, 1/3 of the price.

2. To find out 'how many you need', use this, and then this, and then use a calorie app such as calorieking or myfitnesspal to keep track.

3. It is difficult to not put on any fat while gaining muscle as generally you need to be in a calorie surplus, so as long as fat is being kept to a minimum I wouldn't worry too much about it.

If your prepared to pay.... Look up BEA....

Run by one of the posters on here nic name Max Brenner

He has added many quality articles to the nutrition section stickys...

The BodyEvolution Report
Creatine brands do matter. Anyway..

Meal 1- Banana, 2.5g Creatine
Meal 2- Oat flakes, 3 eggs and 2.5g creatine
Meal 3- 2 Turkey sandwiches in whole wheat bread
Meal 4- Chicken Breast and Broccoli
Meal 5- 1 can Tuna with small bowl of brown rice
Meal 6- Cottage Cheese

1) Splitting the dose does nothing
2) As long as it's pure monohydrate, get the cheapest you can get.

This is just my opinion, and I'm not really for creatine, but it does and can give you extra pump, I would suggest doing your workout between meal 3 and 4 or 4 and 5, because of the high carb count in oat flakes and that will give you extra pump and stronger recovery.
But mix your diet up a lot, the human body loves diversity, of course keeping eggs and oats near the start of the day.
And just another personal preference of mine, not sure if there would be evidence to support it, but I feel fresh foods of any kind always top canned foods. If you pack in some zinc, vitamin E, Magnesium, Calcium and vitamin B into your supplement list you'll get a boost.
Also, fish like trout and Salmon can do wonders for you two days a week.

can't see macros?

Meal frequency doesn't matter but if you like 6 meals a day then go for it.

Can't see any peanut butter in diet plan.
Having a good macronutrient rich diet is the key to achieving your physical goals.
That could mean have oats and flax for breakfast.
Lamb or beef sandwiches for lunch.
Salmon, trout, chicken or turkey for dinner. All large meals with salads or salad items of course
If you compliment your workouts with the correct diet you'll see much much faster gains, even if that might mean gaining a little fat in the short term.
Its fine to post a meal plan like that mate, But know one knows how much of what your eating....

Not only that....But a meal plan? Yuk. Are you really going to eat that. Every day?

Gets some fresh meat, Vegies and spices/herbs

Best thing you can do is learn to cook. So many nice food to make that for me. Hit my marcos with in a gram each day. and every day is a new meal.

Na I'm not going to eat that every single day, it's just a rough idea of how I want it to look like.

Ok, I've spent 2 hours fixing the diet up and calculating macros. Here they are

Meal 1: 2 Bananas, 2.5g Creatine
Meal 2: Corn flakes + 5 eggs, 2.5g creatine
Meal3: 3 turkey slices/4 whole wheat bread/4 tablespoon peanut butter
Meal4: Chicken breast + Broccoli
Meal 5: Brown rice + Tuna
Meal 6: 2 table spoon low fat Cottage Cheese

Total: (I haven't included any Creatine)
Calories: 2032
Carbs: 200.6 g
Protein: 136.2 g
Fats: 53.4

Now, freedieting.com says I need 3132 calories for maintenance and 2505 for fat loss. When I start gym in 4 weeks I'm going to cut so do I go for the 3132 calories p/day or the 2505 p/day? What can I add that I can buy from the supermarket, I don't want to fly all around Melbourne for a product. Remember best + most helpful answer I'm willing to pay a few bucks.
as for diet-

my staples are: Tuna, Cottage cheese, Eggs, Milk, penut butter, Rice, Good bread, and vegtables that you like, And salad style items that you like, Spinach, Mushroom ect ect, Sweet potatoe

I go to the markets and get about 5 diffrent spices to put on my chciken, I also eat chicken thighs now most times as they tatse so much better, Great for slow cooking And unbeatable in currys.

Good olive oil and vingar for dressing

Kitchen scales are a must.

As for your caloric intake. stick to 3000 for a few weeks then ajust up or down depending on how you loose weight or gain weight.

Any online estimate its pretty crap. way to many varibles to take into account

just get 2Gx body weight in protine, 0.75G of fat per body weight and the rest carbs.

Carbs are not essential like protien and fat, But help alot.
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lol, So low bf, Going to need to body recomp, Lots of mucle gains which will bring fat gains, then cardio/diet/cut untill your sub 11% bf.

Good luck.