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My Full Body Routine


Fucked up Kunce
I only want to train 3 days per week since I'm getting lazy in my old age.
I have come up with this. 3 full body workouts with varying rep ranges.

Day 1 (Low Reps)
  • Front Squats 5 x 5 (Quads)
  • Bench 5 x 5 (Chest)
  • Military press 5 x 5 (Shoulders)
  • T-bar Row 5 x 5 (Back)
  • Barbell Curl ss* Skull Crusher 3 x 8 (Bi's and Tri's)

Day 2 (High Reps)

  • Leg Press 2 x 15 (Quads)
  • Leg Curl 2 x 15 (Hammy's)
  • SLDL 2 x 15 (Hammy's)
  • Incline Press 2 x 15 (Chest)
  • Assisted Pullups (untill I can do 15) or Lat Pulldown 2 x 15 (Back)
  • Dumbell Shoulder Press 2 x 15 (Shoulders)
  • Side Cable ss Rear Delt Cable Raise 2 x 15 (Shoulders)
  • Cable Curl ss* Tricep Pushdown 2 x 15 (Bi's and Tri's)

Day 3 (Medium Reps)
  • Front Squat 3 x 8 (Quads)
  • Bench Press 3 x 8 (Chest)
  • Chest Supported Row 3 x 8 (Back)
  • Hammer Shoulder Press 3 x 8 (Shoulders)
  • Barbell Shrugs 3 x 8 (Traps)
  • Underhand Grip Chins ss* Dips 3 x 8 (Bi's and Tri's)

* ss = Superset
* Calves done Either day 2 or 3. Seated and Toe Presses
* Add weight each workout if I hit all reps
* Abs whenever
* Yes, I'm not back squatting or deadlifting for a while. Don't want too.
* Yes I worked it out myself.
* $20 for a PDF version

* Come @ me bro's.
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Hey Adrian, I'm offering a hint if you wanna take it mate. On two of those days, how about swapping one mighty exercise to replace three of what you've got prescribed for yourself! I think that would be time conserving;energy conserving, and recovery enhancing, ..what'd you say!

Okay, here it is: pullovers! This would replace chest back & triceps in one workout. You could do it on Monday and on Friday, once with reps of between 8-12, and Friday with less stress on your CNS by reducing the weight and increasing the reps to about/between 20-30.

Wednesday is yours to spice it up with different exercises.

It's only a suggestion mate, do with it as you please.

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Pretty good Shrek. I like it, squeezing a few sets into a day.
1. You taking a day off b/w each training day?
2. Think one day (if that's what you do) is enough to recover, eg: do you think the chest will be ok to go again in 48hrs?
Thanks for the suggestion.
Pullovers tend to fry my triceps without fatiguing my lats and chest.
If there was a pullover machine available then I'd give it a go.

Pretty good Shrek. I like it, squeezing a few sets into a day.
1. You taking a day off b/w each training day?
2. Think one day (if that's what you do) is enough to recover, eg: do you think the chest will be ok to go again in 48hrs?
Workouts are on non consecutive days. 48 hrs is plenty for me to recover.
Thanks for the suggestion.
Pullovers tend to fry my triceps without fatiguing my lats and chest.
If there was a pullover machine available then I'd give it a go.
I hear you however... if you wish to place less emphasis on your triceps whilst still taking advantage of this magnificent exercise, here's my suggestion:

1. Keep the bend in your arms constant
2. Lean towards a more bent arm instead of a (nearly) straight arm, especially when the d/bell is nearing to the floor over your head.

The name of the game in choosing a whole body workout (in my opinion), would be to do the bare minimum, yet be rewarded with the ultimate maximum in the way of muscle stimulus and (forget not) recovery.

An example here would be to eliminate one of your hamstring exercises and choose between either leg curls or SLDL.

Please don't think my purpose here is to scrutinize only to find points of potential improvements okay Adrian, I'm only turning your attention to what in my opinion would serve you better in the long run Sir.


No Dips Shrekky?

I'd like to have the S.L.D.Ls on the same day as the Leg Press and the Leg Curls on the same day as the Squats. Just my preference.
Thanks [MENTION=2727]Fadi[/MENTION]; I might just do that.
All I can add is;
id do pulling b4 pushing, and I'd do the press first on day 1
yes good idea.[emoji194]


No Dips Shrekky?

I'd like to have the S.L.D.Ls on the same day as the Leg Press and the Leg Curls on the same day as the Squats. Just my preference.
yeah man dips on day 3.[emoji6]
That's pretty good for 41. I know what you mean by the lazy part. I'm 35, not doing too bad but do struggle at times.
I'll be living golf course adjacent in a few weeks. I have no alternative LOL