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My diet help?



New to forum and tried searching as much as I could before posting just wondering if anyone can tell me if I did this all right and if not tell me where I went wrong.
Im 20 around 166cm tall, weigh 82kg and think around 17-20% body fat. I got to gym 4 times and week and play 3x45mins games of football on the same days through the week, I want to get down to about 10-12%. Read that I need around 20% cal deflect to lose weight at a good rate so this is my diet and how I worked it out?
work out maintain calories is 32-37 per kg so 2550-3000 then 20% So 2000-2400
Proteins 1.25x180lbs=226
Fats 0.45x180lbs=81
carbs just filled in rest
Also was told not to put vegtables and salad in so I didn't but I have a little bit of carrot and lettuce at lunch and some peas,carrot and corn at dinner?

Then you'll probably fail.
The best approach to dieting is to eat a variety of food. Eating the same shit will invoke boredom.
Track your calories and macros and eat a range of different foods to keep dieting enjoyable.
I'll go through phases where i'll eat the same foods for weeks and then totally change it up - i.e I might eat steak and mushroom sauce for dinner every night for 3 weeks - then I'll eat chicken and salad for 2 weeks - I do this with all my meals - I guess some people as "phase" eaters where they can eat and enjoy the same foods for an extend period but I agree with [MENTION=895]Shrek[/MENTION]; you will need to change it up at some point or you will get bored as shit....be it changing it everyday, every few days, every week, every few weeks will depend on the person at hand....for me its about 3 weeks and then i'll phase into something else with the same structure of diet though - I dont do this on purpose I have just always done it - be it eating clean or not.
As mentioned the fitness pal app is a good guide to get u started.
If you dont know how many calories u are eating you will have no hope reaching your target.
Try it for a couple of weeks and it will give u an idea of your calorie intake.