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Recent movies watched while on holidays:
Jack Reacher
Django Unchained
Silver Linings Playbook
Les Miserables
The Fugitive

Recommend all of them
The Great Gatsby:

Not too foul. The photography and 3D were brilliant.
Leo and Tobey were good, pity the women were mediocre. Hey Baz Lurhman, cast hot bitches next time. Tobey and Leo were more appealing than the women FFS.

Fast and Furious 6

Action packed with ultra hot fems and mega muscled guys and some of the best driving scenes/effects ever. Somehow, they managed to have even better cars than last time.

There was some very witty and sometimes cheesy dialogue along the way which really adds to the entertainment of these movies. Just remember, it isn't real life.

I would watch again.

PS: I saw the trailers for several other movies I really have to watch. The quality of the special effects these days is brilliant and revolutionising the movie industry.
Man of Steel

Just watched it, and its a great one! I almost cried when Jonathan Kent (played by Kevin Costner) waved his son Clark not to save him from a raging tornado.

The plot is very detailed from the history of krypton planet but of course the CGI works here. Its a whole lot different from Christopher Reeve's Superman character back in 1978, BUT still, I love that movie.

Henry Cavill's body here is really buff and huge.

and I wonder how he get used to speak in American accent knowing that he's brit
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On the money here - FF6 was great. Amazing action, stunts, fight scenes, decent plot (considering it's the seventh movie in series), plenty of one liners (especially about baby oil) and everything it's known for as well.

Only 1 of the stunts made the whole crowd laugh, but it was still awesome


Re trailers.. the man of steel trailer (when i was watching ff6) look insanely good - I had no intention of seeing it, then I saw the trailer and now I can't wait.

You mean 6th right?
And yeah, was an awesome movie. I look forward to number 7. For those going to see it. Stay till after the credits.
FF6 good - Look out for Jason Statham in the next - as mentioned watch after credits for Segway into that one... Probably a Transporter / FF mash of somesort?

Superman was good... Not a fan normally, but was worth the watch for sure

World War Z was awesome as well. Generic action / end of days type movie with fairly predictable end, but worth the watch also
You mean 6th right?
And yeah, was an awesome movie. I look forward to number 7. For those going to see it. Stay till after the credits.

Sorry yes I meant 6th (I was taking into account tokyo drift but forgot that it is still #3).

I hope that they leave the main storyline alone though as #6 wrapped up nicely finishing the way it did (sort of coming full circle at the house).

First we had Vin Diesel v The Rock, next its Vin Diesel v Statham. Should be good ;D
Man Of Steel

Started off really well but the ending was just too much. Superman and the Villains (also from Krypton) were always fighting but they can't hurt each other, it was stupid. Other than that and the ridiculous ending (won't spoil) it wasn't too bad.
i watched spring breakers, it was the most horrible movie that i have EVER seen. i had to skip lots of parts i was so bored. no stars at all. just terrible.
Just watched Pacific Rim today... Awesome!

Straight to the action, kinda like Transformers vs. Godzilla but was actually a good watch. Predictable and easy watching...

Also watched Pacific Rim yesterday and it turned out to be as expected. Not that great but not poor either. 6/10 if I rate it. Looking forward for Lone Ranger now.
Saw This Is The End. Was hilarious. One of the better comedies I've seen in a long time. If you liked Pineapple Express you'll definitely like this movie.