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last weekend i watched the following:
Hobbit - very good IF you like the genre. Ive watched the 3x LoTR movies and glad i saw them first because they introduce the characters better
Looper - pretty cool movie. Recommend it.
Lincoln - interesting. The guy who plays the president is kinda funny.
Watched Wreck it Ralph with the little guy last night. Good movie

Yeh? We missed that at the movies. Is it on DVD yet? I reckon our little one would enjoy it.
Mrs and I watched hotel Rwanda last night. Amazing flick. I'd read the book not long ago and had to see it. Worth a look
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Yeh? We missed that at the movies. Is it on DVD yet? I reckon our little one would enjoy it.
Mrs and I watched hotel Rwanda last night. Amazing flick. I'd read the book not long ago and had to see it. Worth a look

Not sure if its out here yet. DL a mint HD copy instead.
Watched "The Impossible" the other night. Its got Naomi Watts in it.. hnnngg. It was about the Tsunami that hit Thailand almost a decade ago.
But not much hnnng in this as her tits and calves gets ripped half off from the tsunami. But the story was told excellently, the devastation of the natural disaster was portrayed in a very realistic and tender sort of way, and the characters were convincingly played. 8.5/10
Watched Playbook Silver Linings the other day.

I was looking forward to it...heard it was a pretty well written drama. I think I was expecting a bit too much.

Fairly meh, glorified chick flick, not that much depth to it. Sorta movie you forget within a cuppla daze.
So Undercover witb Miley Cyrus. Not bad, Miss congeniality meets University.

Dredd (latest version) not too far short of awesome!
I usually see all the nominees before the Oscars but missed a few this year, including Argo, Lincoln and Zero Dark Whatsit. Some comments re the others; Life of Pi - deserved best director winner for bringing to the screen what should have been an un-adaptable novel (Yann Martel's worthy winner of the Man Booker). Can't believe it's the same director who inflicted Crouching Dragon Hidden Tiger (or whatever that nonsense was called) and Brokebutt Mountain upon us. Django could have been best pic. Why did the big T put himself in it doing an awful aussie accent, with just the tiniest cameo for the wonderful John Jarrett? I guess so audiences would cheer when he blew himself up. Christoph Waltz deserved winner. Les Mis - boring and tedious and sleep-inducing. Impossible - meh ... Didn't convey the true extent of that Asian Armageddon. I think Naomi Watts peaked with her "Mum's cooking a lamb roast" TV ad back in the '80s.
Saw "warm bodies" the other night with the girl.

Great movie, we both enjoyed it!
Not just a zombie movie...quite funny and well put together. Well worth it. The cinema folk all clapped at the end which you never see anymore.
Oblivion... Good flick. Heaps of little twists... Worth the $18 ...Don't mind Tom Cruise and his movies. I think the poor bugger cops a lot of flack over his 'religion' despite the fact he seems like a good guy.

Olympus has fallen... Another goodie. Especially relevant with the tension over in Korea... Not especially keen on Gerard Butler but am coming around due to the action scenes that were required of him... predictable, but a good wholesome kick-ass flick all the same.
I'll be taking my boy to see Iron Man 3 in the next few days. We've seen the first 2 together...love them.

Robert Downey Jr is pretty good value I reckon, he's got a lot of charisma. He farking cracked me up in Tropic Thunder, playing an Aussie actor who was playing a black actor in a movie about guys making a movie.

He was so into the method acting thing, and wanted to get right into the character of the black guy he was playing, be really true to the role....so he went and got skin pigmentation treatment and changed his skin to black. Lmao...the deep voice he pulled off was a crack-up too.

That was a direct piss-take at Russell Crowe (Serious method acting etc..)
My recent ones

The Last Stand
Die Hard 5
GI Joe 2
Oz Great and Powerful
Broken City
Jack The Giant Slayer
Iron Man 3

All worth watching, especially Oblivion.

When does Pain and Gain come out?