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Skyfall, I dug it.

The Impossible...this was about the Tsunami in 2004 through the eyes of a family that was caught in it. I went to Phi Phi 2 years after the Tsunami and saw the effects, with hotels /infrastructure being re-built. So the whole Tsunami thing kinda resonates with me and I'm always interested to see/read things about it. Movie was quite sad as you'd expect. Very moving, I enjoyed it and would recommend.
Downloaded and watched Mortal Kombat with the little guy this morning, he loved it, I thought it was fairly weak. Funny near the end, my son comments that Bruce Lee or the Undertaker could still take them all out.
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I watched Silver Linings Playbook was a great movie, some funny moments, hats off to bradley cooper, he played the main character really well. 7/10

Also watched The Collection, if your into scary/gory movies, this ones for you, half decent story line, heaps of "it would suck to be you" moments 6/10

Silent Hill Revolution, I dug it, very computergamie, just a nice easy watch, not a thinker, pretty jumpie so not for the scaredy cats
Jack Reacher 7/10

The best ones I seen recently

Wreck it Ralph

Was expecting more from

The Hobbit
007 Skyfall
Life of PI
Django is awesome, i watched it again the other night,

Also watched The Impossible, my wife cryed the whole way through it, good movie based on real events 7.5/10
Watched Snowtown Murders last night, what a Sicko of a movie!!!

Also watched The Lucky One with Zac Efron, it was nice, a good romantic movie and Zac Efron is so hot!
Watched Les Miserables again the other night (small screen this time)... great, but then again i'm a big les mis fan and would have liked it if it was performed by plasticine penguins.

The Hobbit i saw at the Embassy in NZ (arguably the optimum theatre for a peter jackson movie since he outfitted it) - I enjoyed it, why do kiwis have to clap at the end of movies though!, Watched in High Frame Rate 3D

Saw life of PI recently, good movie, not quite as good as the book, but close, I thought the 3D was passably good.

Watched Recently..

The Candidate - passable Will Ferrell and Zac Galafinakis comedy.
Djanjo unchained - fantastic, watched that a couple of weeks back
The dark knight rises... good.. but not truly spectacular i thought.
Taken 2 - not bad, nothing special.
The Bourne Legacy - ok b+ grade action flick
Safety not guaranteed - Really enjoyed this one!
Lincoln - Well made, I just wasn't interested enough in the subject matter
Here comes the boom - Feel good family UFC movie (??) - Enjoyable though
Brave - might be animated, but enjoyed this!
Ruby Sparks - Not as good as expected, i think i was expecting something more like the excellent Lars and the real girl, but the protaganist of Ruby Sparks didn't make me warm to him!
Prometheus - Not bad, Enjoyable in its own right and as part of the Alien series
Skyfall - I enjoyed this, especially the inclusion of some original bond props
Battleship - definitely a popcorn movie, but enjoyed more than i thought i would
Take Shelter - Great movie, enjoyed this
Submarine - Not bad.. not a huge Drama fan
Any Questions for Ben - ok
God Bless America - Something different, ok, but not mind blowing
Scott Pilgrim vs the world - Odd.. i get it, but it didn't resonate with me
The Lorax - Cute, Enjoyed it for what it was
John Carter - ok popcorn movie
THe Guard - Something my grandmother would watch... ok though
Salmon Fishing in the Yemen - Slow rather than Exciting, but i enjoyed it
Shuffle - Pretty good, but not as mind blowing as could be hoped.
Total Recall - Fairly decent, but Arnie was better
Looper - Good, some nice touches, not truly memorable though.
Had a JB HiFi voucher so grabbed some blu-rays the other week, got the Marvel 6 disc pack, don't mind watching all these with the little fella and Clash of the Titans in 3D.
Have watched so far:
Clash of the Titans: 7/10, not bad
Daredevil: 7/10
Elektra: 8/10 damn what I would do to her in that red outfit

I quite enjoyed the 2nd one, can't remember if it's wrath or clash.

And yeah elektra..
Been going through an 80s movie phase.

Back to the Future and Coming to America in the last few days. Both are easily in my top few movies of all time.
Ah back to the future.. how was it rewatching it?

I've been watching 90s movies recently that I didn't see because I was in primary school, e.g. devil's advocate, american psycho. Next one on the list is probably american beauty.
Its still brilliant. There's a charm about that movie that I absolutely love. All 3 of them kick ass.

American Psycho is deranged but awesome. Christian Bale is an incredible actor.

American Beauty is an absolute classic.
American Beauty is indeed a classic, as is devils advocate, Charlize Theron is brilliant in that.

I watched Flight last night... better than i expected actually, a few plausibility holes, but an enjoyable movie with pretensions to being deep.
Watched Snowtown Murders last night, what a Sicko of a movie!!!

Awesome stuff, downloading now.
This was huge news when it happened here, more and more sick details coming out as they found more bodies. I was delivering KFC at the time down in Salisbury, never seen anything like it, the shitty little Housing Trust house and surrounding places all roped off and so many cops there for days and days, choppers constantly flying around. Other drivers saying "Oh fuck, I have delivered to that shithole" Those scum were known around the area, full on feral life long fukin losers, a bullet should have been put to good use instead of putting him up in Yatla which is like a holiday camp compared to his real life.
In fact, a bullet to the head should be mandatory for any sentence over 3 years, would save the tax payer soo much money!