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Milk question


New member
Hi guys,

Age old milk question. I've been looking into raw milk as a supplement, a bit nervous after reading that there can be health concerns as it isn't heat treated.

Anyone had any experience with it? Worth the risk?

INB4 - Milk is for babies, when you grow up you have to drink beer!
Not sure what people did prior to 1900's when milk wasn't pasteurized..... Dairys and councils are far more strict with hygiene now however it doesn't prevent the spread of disease into raw milks....
New Zealand sell Raw Milk however Australia has a total ban.... go figure....
raw milk is the same as unprotected sex - as long as you know where you're getting it and where it's been, it's perfectly fine.
raw milk is the same as unprotected sex - as long as you know where you're getting it and where it's been, it's perfectly fine.

Not quite true. Even if you know we're the milk is from it does not make it totally safe to drink raw.
Not quite true. Even if you know we're the milk is from it does not make it totally safe to drink raw.

Sounds anecdotal but no one I know has had any trouble with it. I know several friends/family who get it delivered on a weekly basis from a farm that follows safe practices/regulations etc
Sounds anecdotal but no one I know has had any trouble with it. I know several friends/family who get it delivered on a weekly basis from a farm that follows safe practices/regulations etc

doesn't sound anecdotal it is anecdotal.

You can follow the safest practices possible and the risk is still there.
I drink plenty of raw milk, as do a lot of my friends and family.
My mother in-law has been drinking milk for close to 50 years, my missus has had it her whole life.

IMO, raw milk is fine. I'd be more worried about going into the sun without sunscreen then dying from raw milk.

Anecdotes are not evidence.

Before milk was pasteurized it caused 25% of food and water borne illness. Now that milk is pasteurized it is less than 1%.
I used to drink milk straight from the vat when I was younger, it all comes down to the farmers practices, some are more hygeniec than others.
you never know if the milk cups have been kicked off and sucked up some cow piss or shit (not very common to happen but it can do)
I've drank raw milk since child. Since moving here 6 months ago I haven't been able to find it though.

I drink rain water also. I think in today's society people live in these hypoallergenic houses etc and there is loads of adverts on TV about how clean your house needs to be etc etc
broscience imo, I haven't had a cold or flu for over 5 years

Again there is much more to it than that. For example salmonella is just one of the bacteria that can pass from cow into milk then infect humans. Other animals are sources of salmonella. You can have the best practices in the world but all it can take is for some infected birds to shit on the feed and infect the cows which is then passed onto people drinking unpasteurized milk. The risk may be small but it is still there and unnecessary.

The other point is why drink unpasteurized milk anyway. The supposed health benefits are just not there to support it anyway.
In Britain it was cheaper, dunno about here.
Also why would anyone want to drink homogenised milk?
homogenised milk come on people think of the children