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Meeting women at the gym?


New member
It's 7.15 am Sunday. Another beautiful day in Paradise. I'm tucking into a well-earned breakfast after returning from my 24/7 gym where I had my usual morning workout (20+ minutes of cardio, 10+ minutes of abs). There were no men at the gym apart from myself. There were no staff or personal trainers. However, there were 6 fairly hot women of various ages working out!
Now I'm 50 and became a widower in the mid-90s and have no kids. I love being a bachelor and I love intelligent, confident, fit/healthy women. Yes, I'm a feminist. I don't drink, so bars and nightclubs are out and I don't pay for sex so call-girls and bimbos are out. Thus it seems to me the gym is the perfect place for meeting women in the 21st Century. Whaddaya reckon, fellas?

As it happens I didn't get any phone numbers this morning but I'm new at this gym and it's early days yet ...
Sorry nothing worse than some ol' dig hitting on you while working out. However it is nice to have some lovely friendly faced fella offer up equipment and provide a spot and says hello in acknowledgement :)
The opposite here, I'd get hit on by both sides of the fence.
One pt women just yesterday said, " can I watch you do those?"
There are ladies present!

Sorry nothing worse than some ol' dig hitting on you while working out. However it is nice to have some lovely friendly faced fella offer up equipment and provide a spot and says hello in acknowledgement :)

G'day Kaz. I don't know exactly what an "ol' dig" is. Hence chances are I am one without even knowing it! But they say 50 is the new 40 ...
And I agree, nobody, male or female, likes to be hit upon while training. I used to get gays trying to do so when I trained at certain gyms (not that I'm homophobic). But I can still sometimes elicit a friendly smile from a pretty lady at the water fountain. It can be hard just to make eye contact tho, when they're focussed on the video screen and the music coming through their earphones.
I was at an Alcoholic Anonymous meeting last night (just over 3 years since my last drink!) and there was a bunch of parolees there with the aim of meeting girls (and pleasing their probation officers). They stated as much afterwards to me and how they were disappointed at the unfavourable ratio of M:F. None seemed to realise that AA recommends no intimate relationships for the first 12 months of sobriety.
They all did weights on the inside but claimed to be unable to afford gym memberships when I volunteered my thesis that the gym is the 21st Century singles scene.
But I pay just $12/wk, no contracts. Surely even dole bludgers can afford that?
Anyway, it's great to get a female's perspective. Please continue to comment!