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Mass gainers

Spot on. Everyone wants to overcomplicate the simple shit.
...if you REALLY need the calories but want to stay hungry then you can drink some thickened cream or something like that. Loads of calories, 200ml is 3,000 and it won't stop you from being hungry at all, there is no substance to it

Sorry to thread hijack, but just curious about the above. Is that a typo? (200mls = 3000 kcal)

If it's not, what brand are we talking here, and why the hell isn't my fridge full of the stuff?!

Per 100ml
Fat, Total 35g
- Saturated 25g
Carbohydrate 3g
- Sugars 2g
Sodium 23mg
Protein 2g
Energy 1420kj

I meant joules yeah
Still pretty calorific
Sorry to be the supplement nazi in this, the advice in this thread is still the same as what was handed to me 10 years ago now. It isn't going to change - food, food and more food. We gave the same advice today in our live Facebook chat where someone commented to us that he found it "near impossible to put on weight."

I've always been of the thinking that no matter what body type you are or how fast your metabolism is, you can put on weight if you really want to.

But a shake will have it's place AROUND a planned weight gain diet built from food.
We have MCT oil and complex carbs using oats in our Muscle Food 101 product (and also dextrose and malto) as opposed to a total make of just WPC+dextrose as an excuse for a "Mass gainer."

Some of the options here, although very great recommendations for weight, require quite the walk around the supermarket to collect some of these ingredients and quite the mess in the kitchen. By all means, food should be the way, but sometimes that one or two scoops out of a bag into a shaker with a pouring of full fat milk is sometimes the simplicity in all of this.

What must be stressed here though - supplements ARE NOT the answer if you think this is all you need to drink. They are in the background AROUND an actual planned food diet. They are a "help" to all of this.

Make your food meals that tiny bit bigger every time you sit down. Only a cup of rice when you sat down for a meal last week? Add that extra tablespoon this week and so on.

Supplement nazi signing out. (sorry)
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Basically one of (if not) the biggest supplement company in Australia, putting it straight, no bullshit.

Funny how the likes of user O.N. keeps flogging off their RES100 and test boosters as the "be all to end all".
Basically one of (if not) the biggest supplement company in Australia, putting it straight, no bullshit.

Funny how the likes of user O.N. keeps flogging off their RES100 and test boosters as the "be all to end all".
but but.. they have testimonials...
Basically one of (if not) the biggest supplement company in Australia, putting it straight, no bullshit.

Funny how the likes of user O.N. keeps flogging off their RES100 and test boosters as the "be all to end all".

I dont think he has ever done that I just think he has pointed out the results people have had on his products - abit random to say anything about that in the thread, dont you think?? What has that got to do with a 16 yr old eating more.

Its fantastic to see Bulk Nutrients in the thread giving some fantastic advice that we have all pretty much backed for the young guy to see but you would have to be living under a rock if you dont think that any buisness under the surface isnt always trying to push their product in some regard - be it testimonials, giving free product away or giving advice in threads....
I dont think he has ever done that I just think he has pointed out the results people have had on his products - abit random to say anything about that in the thread, dont you think?? What has that got to do with a 16 yr old eating more....

I was just using two relevant examples on ausbb of opposite ends of the spectrum.
Had whipped cream and protein powder for my last meal last night in the cut. Low physical weight, high calories. Almost a chocolate mousse.