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Mass gainers

Explain why the hell a skinny 16 year old needs wpi, micellar casein, egg protein and dextrose. Lol. Its fucking ridiculous. How the hell does that shit make sense to anyone.

Only milk to bulk. Lol Mick. 2 liters of milk alone is 1200 calories. Add topping for taste and some olive oil and you can get a heap of calories in easily.

You are recommending some retarded concoction to someone that doesn't need it at all.

What he needs to focus on first is food then a shake to get the extra calories in as needed.
According to my fitness pal 420g musashi bulk is 1600 calories. You can get more calories from only 3 liters of milk. You can see why its terrible value for $24.

Exactly, agree 100%.

This is why I recommended a list of ingredients for a home made mass gainer that will be a fraction of the price, and that I would use myself (I use the same blend of protein without the dextrose, as I don't need the extra calories and carbs).

He can add up to 10kg of dextrose to the 7kg of Protein, for extra calories, have a 70 gram serving with full cream milk.

I would recommend before bed and post raining to start with.

If he wants to cut cost cut the egg protein and Casein, but I like them in there for my own purposes. Cutting them out any just buying WPC would be even cheaper, use 1kg wpc and 1-2kg of dextrose to blend your own very basic 'budget mass gainer'

Of course eat more food when ever possible and monitor progress.
What he needs to focus on first is food then a shake to get the extra calories in as needed.

Exactly what I recommended, but he is already buying commercial mass gainer, I gave him a cheaper and better option so he can save some cash as most 16 year olds are not generally rolling in it.

He does not need it, but you will find most 16 year olds that hit the weights want it and will have it, so he might as well get more value for money, I was 16 and I was buying Mega Mass 2000 and Desiccated Liver tablets from the money I was earning working at Franklins unloading trucks after school.

Wish someone told me when I was 16 that I could make my own mass gainer, so many more options these days.

Explain why the hell a skinny 16 year old needs wpi, micellar casein, egg protein and dextrose. Lol. Its fucking ridiculous. How the hell does that shit make sense to anyone.

It's protein and carbs, exactly what he needs, could not be more perfect.

I have also given him an even cheaper option as the micellar casein and egg protein is not 100% necessary, but nice if you can afford it.
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Well since I already have it, I might as well drink it with milk till it's finished. Then I'll compare from here and then.

Yep obviously finish it.

Number one thing to remember if you want to gain weight is you need to eat. If you are not gaining weight you need to eat more.

If anyone tells you otherwise they are talking out their arse. The only thing you need to buy is food.

In my opinion buying 3 types of protein and friggin dextrose just sets young people up on the supplement band wagon. They don't need them. Hell most of us don't need them. All they do take your cash.

Yeah I know. That's why it's called a supplement.
Well I'll try to get the most I can.
I don't think my mum understands nutrition and just makes whatever is "healthy".
I have plenty of tuna cans and I can make tuna and mayo sandwiches. I was told that it's better for cutting but it's my most reliable source of protein at home because my mums not gonna make beef or chicken every night.

Since he is at school I am guessing his food options are limited to what mum serves up.

Well I guessed right:

In my opinion buying 3 types of protein and friggin dextrose just sets young people up on the supplement band wagon. They don't need them. Hell most of us don't need them. All they do take your cash.

Like I said I offered a cheaper option using WPC, but I guess you will keep ignoring that and harp on about the original post like you tend to do all the time.

And I am guessing you get food for free??

Protein (wpc) and dextrose are food as well, not some magical drug, it's only protein and cheap carbs, probably cheaper than food and much easier to consume especially once you add the recommended milk.

Would love to see where you can get 1kg of protein from a food sauce for less that $18
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Mass gainers are diabetes in a shake pretty much
Very expensive way to buy protein, creatine and some dextrose
If you want something for gaining weight fast then stewing is the best option bar none. Drink all the juices from the stew let none of it go to waste. It will go down very easy. On my high calorie days I will often drink broth post workout it's very good.

Keep things clean and healthy most of the week, have a dirtier meal on one day and then a really dirty one on another. We are talking next level dirty not just KFC or fast food but some of that Centrelink dirty. Centrelink is really the only way to describe what this day needs to be like.

For the Centrelink day I'd go for something like this personally
American, Baked Cheesecakes, Australia
That's 4,675kcal in the single cake and you'll be able to eat it after dinner quite easy. If you can't then sit down and play some video games or a nap then go back to it. It will melt in the mouth there is no excuse really.
Embrace food and eat like a fat kid in a candy store, sometimes that means eating when your not hungry. I'm 100kg at 6"6 and i look skinny.
The words from every skinny bloke that can't gain weight and like every skinny bloke what's the bet you don't actually eat a lot.

I was just about to post this! haha

Playermaker - You are currently in your prime to bulk so many reason

1. Your still at home
2. Your still at school so eating times are already planned! (Breakfast/mid morning/lunch/dinner)
3. Your 16 and your hormones are going crazy

When I was your age I was the same - I wanted to bulk etc etc - and when I was at school I felt "uncomfortable" pulling out some of my food choices - maybe things of changed now because every kid is shreddin/bulkin.

Simple sort of meal plan I used to follow though -

Breakfast - Huge Shake

- acouple scoops of protein
- 400-500ml milk
- milo/choc sauce (both if you have both)
- 2 banana's
- big spoonful of honey
- " " and peanut butter
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil (I didnt know about almond oil etc - and I am guessing your parents will have that at home)

Recess (needed to be quick) -

- Sandwiches packed with deli meat - ham/turkey/beef whatever - just pack a breadroll with it
- Nuts if you like them - almonds, peanuts, cashews (Peanuts are cheap as sh*t)
- Fruit - banana's 1,2,3 - depending on how hungry I was

Lunch -

Same as above but maybe 2-3 sandwiches


Heap of pasta with pasta sauce (cheap as if your mum is buying it) - and even better if you can get some meat in the pasta aswell - but alot of the time I used to just eat pasta and sauce

Again peanuts etc if you like them

Fruit again - bananas normally (higher in carbs etc) + your parents are never going to say no to buying you more fruit - you could pack a trolley with bananas haha

Dinner -

This will be a tough one as sometimes you parents wont want to cook you something different etc - nor should they though - I was in a position where I was cooking for myself from the age of 15-16 - which I enjoyed and wanted to to.

If so just let you mum n dad know your hungry as hell and need as much food as humanly possible

After dinner make sure you have the biggest serve of dessert - Hopefully your family has some ice -cream like the 3 flavours in one (all families seem to have that haha) - eat it and feel no shame lol.

Before bed -

I used to finish with 1L of full-fat milk before bed - this is something I would buy myself - was about a dollar just under for a L of full fat milk - so nothing crazy

I was in a lucky position as I played rugby and was fairly ok at it so my parents supported this by buying me protein powder - supporting my diet "habbits" abit more etc - but as I mentioned about I was still abit shy and worried about how I was eating when it came to what other people thought - nowdays it may be different as the whole zyzz era has kicked in but abit of advice is just do what you want to do and dont feel you need to shy away from anything or feel embarrassed about the way you eat.

Also train hard mate - at your age make every session to failure - just go crazy - you will never make gains like you can now again in your life - make the most of it.

- Just to state this is just the way I ate - I am not saying follow this at all - I am not a doctor or a nutritionist - just simply giving you an idea of what I did when I was in your position.
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This will be a big thing if you don't have mates doing something similar. You will more than likely cop shit. Then you will start to get bigger etc and guess what.....you will more than likely cop shit. Screw everyone else, and keep with it. Good luck

Stuff what others think mate. They will come running for advice soon enough, when the results start to show. Trust me! Do what's right for you.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

This hits the nail on the head.

This isn't that different from how I eat at 26. I just wish that I ate that way from 19-22. Take out the choc sauce, throw in frozen berries, add in oats and adjust the portions and you've got my breakfast. I don't know why you would pay for mass gainers when a shake like that will do the trick and be much nicer on the purse strings.

Olive oil and peanut butter in a milk shake?
Never heard of that before.