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Malxtodextrin for bulking?


New member
Maltodextrin for bulking?

currently on a bulking phase and have been taking maxs supersize, basically its around 28% wpc and 64% carbs which according to the ingredients is all maize maltodextrins. i've have gained 1.5kg over the past week and a half since ive been bulking with it, but at $110 for 5kg for what just seems a bit of wpc and maltodextrin i was considering making my own bulking powder,

i can get 4KG of maltodextrin off BN for $28, and was thinking off having a 70/30 mix of pure maltodextrin and wpc that i mix up myself instead of forking out $110 for a fancy package and probably **** protein (gets lumpy and froths up)

anyone use or got comments about using maltodextrin for bulking?
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max's is overriced.
Buy the WPC and Malto separately and it works out much cheaper.

Why don't you buy oats instead of malto?

You can get superfine oats that do not need blending. They are abit mor epricey though.

yeah i know maxs isnt the best but its nearly finished, was going to get a 5kg WPC and 4KG malto from BN, and just mix the two for my own mass gainer.

ive got oats but the problem is i cant actually eat inbetwen breakfast which is around 7:30 untill 11 when i can eat again, so what ive been doing is having a shake around 9:30 as a meal replacement (maxs supersize).

asked on another forum and they were all ****** going on about how im better off eating a bunch of gummy bears and not giving me a straight answer abotu wheather malto is alright.
malto is ok but a slower acting carb is better.

Look into the superfine oats.
yeah i saw superfine oats in bags on FC i think, but I can blend up oats into powder so i might think about doing that instead

id always thought maltodextrin was a slow release carb, whats it liek compared to oats (i usually have 1 - 2 cups of oats about 40 mins before training)?
Just buy the super fine oats from bulk powders.
I got a 20kg bag for just over $90 bux, mention (BIG TIM) for 5% discount.
I have 2 shakes a day, 60g super fine oats in each, 120g daily.
That bag's gonna last me 1 year (11 months).
guess it works out cheaper and easier than having to grind up oats everyday, might look into buying a bag of powdered oats then
just ordered a 5KG bag of superfine oats from bulkpowders, will use around 2 scoops oatpwoder wiht 1 scoop of wpc as my own mass gainer
What was the macro info on the oats, checked the sites but couldn't see them.

OT: but tribulus, pretty much bull-crap right?
What was the macro info on the oats, checked the sites but couldn't see them.

OT: but tribulus, pretty much bull-crap right?

From the bag (per 100g):
Ingredients - Natural Milled Oats with nothing added or taken away.

Carbs - 61.8g
Protein - 10.7g
Fat - 8.5g (saturated 1.5g)
Dietary Fibre - 10.0g

Calories - 387
Just buy the super fine oats from bulk powders.
I got a 20kg bag for just over $90 bux, mention (BIG TIM) for 5% discount.
I have 2 shakes a day, 60g super fine oats in each, 120g daily.
That bag's gonna last me 1 year (11 months).

where do you mention "BIG TIM" ?
Not totally sure, probably if there is a comments option on the order page.
Worked for me last time.
The 5% gets refunded back to you after you pay the full amount.
Not totally sure, probably if there is a comments option on the order page.
Worked for me last time.
The 5% gets refunded back to you after you pay the full amount.

ok thanks, btw how does the 20kg superfine oats equal just over $90, it's around $110 minus 5%. i'd like to make an order that's around $280 and i'm only saving $13 with the discounts, i guess i could get 2 shakers with that
Dunno, maybe the price went up slightly since I bought it a while ago.

A saving is still a saving, where else can you get it for that price anyway?

I'm not sure about this comment from the product listing:
Bulk Powders- Australia's #1 Bulk Supplements supplier
Our manufacturing process retains the nutritional value equal to that of normal rolled oats. With an 18-20% protein content.

How can oats have 18-20% protein content?