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Thanks guys

I think if you did squats once a week you would find DOMS would decrease. If I leave legs for 2 weeks I get major DOMS afterwards. I am curious why you drop squats for deads on your leg day?

Mainly because I do legs on Thursday night and on Saturdays I work with a mate and his furniture removal business... Carrying heavy ass pianos up 3-4 flights of stairs... And... with Squat DOMS EVERY week, it makes me want to neck myself and die... So I swap in deads just to give myself a rest every 2nd week, 12 hours of walking up stairs carrying furniture is an absolute killer.

I think I am going to do deads on back day (Tuesday) and put squats in EVERY Thursday to try and combat this... My Legs are still aching to touch today from Thursdays workout. Listen to me, I'm bitching out of control, haha, I'll shut it now, thanks for the tips guys, I'll man up now.
Wow, what a 2nd job to have! Don't envy you...

Reminds me of when I recently bought an awesome piano for $200 (owners were moving overseas and just wanted to get rid of it). Hiring the removalists cost as much as the piano did!
I did deads on Back days and Squats on Leg days. You get used to it and I expect in 3 weeks there will be no more DOMS.