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leg superset


New member
I can hardly walk. I read about leg supersetting, and for some reason the thought of doing it never occurred to me.

So I set up the barbell with my first non-warmup weight and did 12 squats, then I did 10 lunges with a light weight on each leg, and then repeated for a total of four sets. I can only remember being this shattered when I first started weight training. I struggled to walk from the squat rack to a bench to sit down and rest, and I felt way to shattered to finish the rest of my leg day.

I got an amazing pump, but the fact that I couldn't finish the rest of my workout worried me. I will try this another two times and if by the third time I still can't complete the rest of my workout I will have to drop the superset.
My idea of a superset was that there was no rest in between sets, but after I did two sets had to stop. If I wake up really sore tomorrow, I'll know it worked good! If it works well might do a giant step on triceps and biceps.

I think a bench press/push up superset would work well also.
The best, supersets for legs are awesome. MURDER THEM !