I don't snack at all mate.
Just have 2 meals a day and a shake usually. Meal one is usually small ie 1 or 2 eggs, with a slice of toast,one bacon end eggs, small serveof pasta yesterday, then a proper meal for dinner, usually with a large serve of meat. Often don't feel like breakfast. But not working today as I worked all week end so missus made scrambled eggs on toast. Probably won't eat again till dinner still feeling stuffed. Want to hit the weights but feeling too full at the moment still.
I try and aim for my protein requirement and the rest seems to be close I aim for 40% protein, 40% of fats and 20% carbs, but the carbs see to blow out a bit especially when I have coke and ice cream. Not too worried about it.
Ps my dinners are usually around 1000 calories, breakfast smoothly 400 calories, lunch can be another 4-500 calories, that still leaves me some spare for a can of coke (about 161 calories) or even a can of Mothers (236 calories) or what ever, love Coles water ice blocks after training at 55 calories. Sometimes meals during the day are smaller, and I might have some ice cream or a beer after dinner xxxx summer bright lager 98 calories for a stubby, so could easily accommodate 2-3 aftere dinner and still come in at 2200.
The body is smarter than people give it credit for as long as it gets enough in the long run it should be fine.