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Lab testing of protein powder is now FREE!

We have been in contact with many other companies after starting the protein testing, all but 1 were very positive about what we are doing, and they agreed it was "good for the industry". So this word comes straight from other companies.

This includes direct competitors of ours, as well as some people associated with very large brands - positive feedback from them was unexpected.

We have mentioned to many people who have contacted us by email who the good companies are (defined by multiple accurate lab test results) and it's very likely these companies are now getting more sales due to this, in fact we've seen people quote publicly "brand xyz is fine as bulk nutrients tested them".
On one forum in particular, a certain other brand is continuously being listed and referred to it's members purely because they tested good from our public release of information. We have no connection to this other company and they are a direct competitor of ours and have been increasingly mentioned by members of a forum as "good to go according to Bulk Nutrients testing" since we released good results of theirs.

If they are doing things by the book, we wish them well. They deserve to be in this industry doing business honestly.

This is fine by us, we just want people to play fair and have a market where consumers are actually getting what they pay for.

In regards to us only working for ourselves, that is not true. Every year we buy millions of dollars worth of Australian stock, we spend just over a million dollars with Australia Post, we spend many hundreds of thousands sponsoring bodybuilding shows, other events, advertising in magazines etc.

Selling through retailers is not the only way to support business in Australia, and in fact, despite minimising our supply chain with a direct to the market approach, I think we put much more money back into the economy this way, as it has allowed our business to expand so much.

Directly, we employ 25 staff without even factoring in the knock on effect which is massive.

The reality of business in Australia is that we have some very high costs. Our raw stock costs are more, our wages are two to three times higher than the U.S, fuel is higher, utility costs are higher, so in a very competitive industry, it makes selling through typical supply chains very difficult.

Please keep in mind too we also have a retail brand - Bioflex. Every year we consistently spend a greater percentage promoting this, yet the uptake from stores is far less.

Yep, the U.S brands are easier to sell, the big suppliers give them great terms and so on, so what should we do?

Accept that it's impossible for an Aussie company to be competitive and become bitter, or embrace a different model that means a much more successful business and allows people to still buy Australian made goods, with many products including Australian ingredients?

I can appreciate that as a retailer things are tough, however until retailers make a stand and actually preference Australian products, we're not going to sit around feeling sorry for ourselves.

As for the testing, we'll continue to encourage it, and we hope by promoting other companies that are doing the right thing, they'll embrace it too.

Incidentally, a fellow today just received some lab results from a company he'd spent over $6000 with over the years.
His 88% WPI came back at 24% (a new low!), without this testing the guy and others he knows would likely have been ripped off for years.

that is just the way of business , of course there isn't going to be an equal share , it's the same as holden outsell ford

if the percentage sways towards BN that comes down to good marketing

in a perfect world i would tanning it up on my private island , but this isn't a perfect

Thanks for the response and your efforts.
Attention and apologies.

In our initial post we typed the email address as "proteinTESTkit[MENTION=1082]...[/MENTION]"
This should have been "proteinTESTINGkit@"

So the correct email address is proteintestingkit @ bulknutrients .com.au

If you were going off the email address typed in this threads first post, then it will not have reached us.


That's expensive sugar....

You are probably right there, BN will probably pick up the biggest share, but then again they are putting themselves out as well i guess, personally I don't like the BN flavours, but I do order natural WPC as well as egg protein from BN. Natural WPC is only $89 for 5kg, not a bad price, and I add it to other stuff to boost protein. A cheap way to get extra protein with minimal calories.

For shakes I use Universal Nutrition whey pro, reasonably priced, ok flavour, and not a proprietary blend, and I tested it and it tested OK.
There is a strong possibility that a particular TV show has taken interest of recent protein percentage scams happening here in Australia and would like the story along with Reagents test results and lab tests.

Now would be the time to take advantage of free protein powder lab testing offered by us before we are possibly contacted for the show as even though we now have a massive collection of results, obviously the more the better.

A usual giveaway is very oddly loose, runny, thin powder like the same way sugar would run off your teaspoon and into a coffee cup. Very free flowing and thin when we look at the worst offenders turning up at around the 30 – 60% protein percentage mark.

If this looks like a powder you have which is claiming "pure WPI/WPC" then it may be worth sending us an email on details for a free lab test.
No difference in taste from the same flavoured WPC to the same flavoured WPI? (Should be a slight difference) then worth a free lab test also.

Free NMI lab testing of protein powders: proteintestingkit@bulknutrients.com.au
Emailed ACCC, and I quote...

"the level of protein in these products was not significantly below the represented levels"

They basically don't want to know about it. The content of protein is less than half of what's advertised !

But apparently the NSW Food Authority have been investigating also.
Would like to know who this is so myself and friends can stay away!! Anyway of being advised without being put on public forum be appreciated...

I can't promise anything but if you send your question in to proteintestingkit@bulknutrients.com.au you can ask to see if the person who got the 24% protein percentage result has allowed us to pass on information.
I doubt it but you can ask the question to that email address.

I do not personally handle that address, our manager does, so you can see if we are legally allowed to tell you based on the person who conducted the lab results request for this.

24% is the lowest recorded result.
This would have been extremely visible to the eye as the powder would have been very thin, loose and runny. Much like how sugar runs off a teaspoon into a coffee cup only not as grainy.

If you have doubts of what you have at home, lab test it. It's free!
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Thanks. If they are 0-5% out of spec I'm somewhat comfortable with that as little nutritional panels are absolute exact but 24% that's blatantly dangerous for people who have insulin issues etc...i'll email and see what they say.
Anyone been testing lately?

Picked up 5lb of Universal Choclate Ice Cream Whey Pro for $60, including free tshirt, seems a bit cheap!

Fair enough that it's a blend, but still getting it tested nonetheless.
Anyone been testing lately?

Picked up 5lb of Universal Choclate Ice Cream Whey Pro for $60, including free tshirt, seems a bit cheap!

Fair enough that it's a blend, but still getting it tested nonetheless.

I think this protein sort of bomb'd for Universal - prob why the store is selling it so cheap - I dont think their is anything wrong with it - their protein/s just never took off like their other products....

I am still unsure if its safer to go with well known brands or places like BN - i'll stick with the protein Ive used for years (from a well known brand AST) after a bad experience with another company.
I think the fact that BN testing has improved our awareness of dodgy businesses that take advantage of consumers AND try to drive quality businesses like BN out by offering ridiculously low prices for crap products is a win. It is also a great thing that an aussie company has offered a kit to say " hey, here's something to prove what your getting is what you are being told what you are getting". They deserve the increase in business, it was a genius idea and they will now be considered pioneers on self-test kits and somewhat an authority on protein to "keep the bastards honest" ...all the best to them - they deserve it.
Yes, there is and you can request them.
Ben our Manager will often provide results of previous tests to people once they've taken up the offer of lab testing, names of course omitted.

From a legal point of view have you had many issues with many companies telling you to bugger off?
So this thread been going a while now, anyone actually got some results other then BN, amd NBS?