Test E 500mg pw
HCG 250IU 3 x pw
Adex 0.5mg twice pw
Proviron 25mg ED
DNP 200mg ED(start off on 100mg ed for the first week)
T3 100mcg ED(start off on 50mcg ed for the first week)
Clen 100-150mcg ED 5 on 5 off(start off on 50mcg ed and work upwards)
Duromine ED 5 on 5 off when not on clen.
As mentioned above: Start slowly with DNP/T3/Clen and see how your body reacts to these substances.
HCG 250IU 3 x pw
Adex 0.5mg twice pw
Proviron 25mg ED
DNP 200mg ED(start off on 100mg ed for the first week)
T3 100mcg ED(start off on 50mcg ed for the first week)
Clen 100-150mcg ED 5 on 5 off(start off on 50mcg ed and work upwards)
Duromine ED 5 on 5 off when not on clen.
As mentioned above: Start slowly with DNP/T3/Clen and see how your body reacts to these substances.