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it is Sunday. Tell us your Victory this week.

Took the kids to model train expo which had a Lego display. Concluded people into model trains and Lego enough to setup an expo have poor diets (with the exception of the guys old enough to have lived through rationing). Then took the kids to the state museum today. Its interesting to see what kids get excited about, not always the stuff you expect.

Victory was not getting on the news after slaying the people of Perth in a fit of rage due to their inability to drive, walk or use any sort of manners.
started squatting and deadlifting some more reasonable numbers this week aftfer some time away from pushing myself in those lifts, also managed to get out for a mountain bike ride today which was unexpected but was raining and nice and muddy so was great fun...
65 cals away from weekly average target. Hit P&F everyday. Did all of my planned training sessions and retained strength. Climbed Mt Coolum with 20kg weight vest on in 15mins. (massive PB). Started to get some form back for front lever holds.
Did a muscle up this morning!!! Even got wifey out to film one!!
Ill post it in my threas
Finished teaching prac on Friday, which means I can train properly again starting this week. On Saturday I did 20-rep squats and deadlifts with the weight I was using for 3x10 before prac.
Finished teaching prac on Friday, which means I can train properly again starting this week. On Saturday I did 20-rep squats and deadlifts with the weight I was using for 3x10 before prac.

School teaching or PT?
School teaching. Been teaching Y10 physics and Y11 poetry for the last month, with just a couple PT sessions squeezed in around the edges.

Poetry!? Nice one! How do you deal with the pest kids that disrupt everyone?? I'm coaching under 14s rugby at a nice school, ONE kid disrupts training every session, but is our best player and possible future star unfortunately lol. I've tried making him do laps, burpees, then punished the team when he played up, it's only taken 8 weeks for it to finally sink in lol. This Monday was the first session he behaved the whole time!! Hahaha
In the science class, dealing with the pest kids was mostly achieved just by separating them. I made the whole class stay in at one point, and the leader of all disruption didn't seem to understand the punishment :/

In the English class, the main issues could be dealt with just by saying kids' names harshly, and telling them that if I saw their phones again I'd keep them. There was one girl who wasn't really disruptive towards other students, but considered class a good time to sleep and had this delusion that she could walk out of class unnoticed. I don't know what it is that eventually worked with her, because in my last week she walked out of class and one of the students immediately pointed it out. I said: "I know, but I'm not going to bother going after her -- I know a lost cause when I see one." Highly motivating and encouraging :/ Then, in the next lesson, for no apparent reason she was constantly on-task and really well-behaved. I don't think anything I did was the cause of her sudden good behaviour.