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Is it too much or even wrong?

Train sunday, monday and thursday so that only one day is consecutive.

If you feel that the squatting volume is getting too much, change the 3x5 monday squats to 3x3 front squats.
Thanks Oliver and power builder, Sunday Monday and Thursday sounds great. Well I could not train the conventional Monday wednesday and Friday because of work and Uni, but yeah I can do some abs and little more core work on Friday, can I do a bit of arms on Friday or would it be overtraining? I am not extactly a beginner been training for around and year now but just trying to getter more stronger with lifts.
Posted via Mobile Device

as long as the amount of consecutive days you train is limited things should be fine.

again, a concern might be down the track when your squat gets pretty big it will be too much volume to squat the next day. when this is the case change the monday squat to front squats, but you'll have to do the program for a while to know when to make this change.

Core work (either sit ups or proper hanging leg raises) is always fine, just keep it limited to 3x15 of ONE exercise at the end of each session.

Arm work also isnt a bad idea. Keep it to the friday and only pick ONE exercise for biceps and ONE exercise for triceps. 2x10 is good for each. I like barbell curls and skull crushers the most for arm work.
would it be overtraining? Try it & let us know

thanks heaps guys!! i have completed one week with ripptoe workout and i think its great. why i couldn't find this workout before. fitness mags like ironman are shit. Thanks everyone here.
thanks heaps guys!! i have completed one week with ripptoe workout and i think its great. why i couldn't find this workout before. fitness mags like ironman are shit. Thanks everyone here.

You should consider getting his books (starting strength and practical programming and maybe the dvd) from amazon. You'll be really happy with the investment I promise.