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Is it too much or even wrong?

And those damn Olympic lifters with their explosive fast lifts - they are a bunch of twigs with no muscles, aren't they?
Yeah I know Captain Kirk. Love that "I wanna hold it!" video!

I was saying that those bloody Olympic lifters with their super fast lifts - faster than powerlifters - don't build any muscle according to Mr Dorian Yates:

Bunch of twigs they are.
Your right, hypertrophy training is different, the problem is its goals are far more long term - you can only know if youve overtrained over the last 6 months/year, creating bs programs of randomly selected exercises like this one.

I like stuff like rippetoes and PTCs to begin with because it allows you to learn the basics and what your body is capable of because the routines are more generalised and results can be gauged in the short term (weekly strength increases), that way when you gain your initial 10kg and start to specialise you know what does/doesnt work for you.

I have a feeling most of the exercises chosen for this routine are done simply because they sounded like a good idea.
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well thanks heaps for critical view but i should have mentioned what weights i am doing with my workouts ..
Squats - 140 X6, 130X8, 120X10
Bench press- 70 for all sets
deadlifts- 150X6, 140X8, 130X10
leg press- 190 for all sets
db shoulder press i am using 27.5kg db

considering the volume i am doing my weights arent too bad but yeah as many of you guys suggested I am not training smart enough and there is high possibility that i might end being over trained and eventually injure myself??
but i dont believe in size= strength .. i have seen a few guys at my gym who do real heavy weights like 50 kg dbs for incline bench press but they are not big.
Your squats not bad, your deadlift and bench need some work though.

Your weight is rather low. Are you sure you're eating enough? if I were you I'd do madows 5x5 and up your protein intake to 2g per pound of bodyweight, mostly from wholefoods (keep your carbs low and your fats up for the rest of your diet, because your bodyfat is in a range where you dont need to go much higher).

Another idea might be to reduce the volume and training to 4 times a week (a typical volume program). This are some styles I like:

Volume based routine for guys with average genetics:
Iron Addicts Forums

Westside barbell (combines a lot of high rep work, notorious for putting weight on lifters)
Iron Addicts Forums

ps - those guys are skinny because they dont eat. I'm 90kg, dont drink post workout shakes and eat at the hare krishna place because I find looking like a meathead embarrassing.
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but i dont believe in size= strength .. i have seen a few guys at my gym who do real heavy weights like 50 kg dbs for incline bench press but they are not big.

Of course size doesn't always equal strength.

But, look at the records for O lifting or powerlifting. The records are almost always bigger for bigger weight classes. Tell you something?
last year when i started training i was around 62-63 kilo skinny guy and in around 1 year and 3 months i have gained somewhere around 14 kilo .. definitely its just not muscle but yeah i am trying to reach 80 kilo mark and then will decide later what i should do.. Squats are my fav exercise so may be thats why they are good.. i can certainly lift 10 to 20 kilo more on deadlifts but i dont do it because i wont be able to do my other workout on same day.. I reckon chest is probably my weakest part .. i havent got great success with increasing weights at bench i mean i always struggle at bench. i think my legs are stronger than any other body part can u suggest me anything so that i can improve my bench?? i read somewhere that for good bench u need strong shoulders too?? thanks for the links i will check them out soon!!
depends. where do you find you get stuck on the bench? on the chest or in the middle of the movement?

btw, this is the guy who designed those programs:

hes worked with a lot of high level bodybuilders, so Id say theyre right up your alley.
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but i dont believe in size= strength .. i have seen a few guys at my gym who do real heavy weights like 50 kg dbs for incline bench press but they are not big.

Sure you can get strong and not be huge but bigger will generally be stronger. Thats why they have weight classes in almost any sport that involves strength.

Also I'd really love to see a video of those squats.
Hey guys I am planning to do rippetoe's routine but the only prolem I have is I can't train on non-consecutive days, days I can train are Sunday, Monday, Thursday and Friday. Any suggestions? I am planning to do this workout so I can improve on my bench which is 70 ATM and I want to bench atleast 100 and also wants to increase my deads and squats.
Posted via Mobile Device
Train sunday, monday and thursday so that only one day is consecutive.

If you feel that the squatting volume is getting too much, change the 3x5 monday squats to 3x3 front squats.
Mate Oli's right, train on sunday, Monday & Thursday If you were really keen, you could use friday as an extra session (not to go super heavy) but to work on technique & a bit of cardio.

There's nothing 'special' or 'romantic' about monday, wednesday or friday. Those are just days people use for convenience