I'm pretty sure that powerlifters are tested much in line with all other sports. Maybe less than professionals, such as AFL, but OCT or not, testing is testing.
Yes, you have a right to your opinion. No argument there. The problem that I have is that you are insinuating that Ray Williams is a drug cheat because he does not seem to have had a OC test. Thats kinda kuncy and not a bit slanderous.
By extension, according to your opinion, anyone who is not tested out of comp is also probably/possibly a drug cheat. Well, if that's the case, they will eventually get caught. The nature of humankind is to push the limits, so in the end you will get tested and chances are that you pushed it too far.
The fact that people do get pinged for drug use shows that the process works. Not 100% cos then every athlete in a drug tested sport would have to be tested every day, or every few days (to check for quick acting stuff like HGH, peptides or test aqueous). That, of course, is not going to happen.
I don't remember anyone saying IPF was squeaky clean. Its not. Neither is the Australian swimming team, the Australian cricket team or any of those other high profile professional sports. Just check the ASADA web site for the list of pinged athletes. But it is tested according to the rules. Compared to other non tested sports where drug use is rampant (e.g. all the other powerlifting feds) it's as clean as its ever going to get.
I'm pretty sure that powerlifting is tested in the same manner as Olympic lifting, in local, national and world events, including the olympics. So if powerlifters are all potential cheats, so are all olympic lifters and everyone else who competes in a tested sport.