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you can transform yourself into one of the all-time great nice guys. will give you purpose while you address your obesity.

this is what im talking about, noodle legs. I havent even breathed in your direction but you always have to start putting shit on me,probably hoping you will get back up once it starts getting too much for you. Each time you challenge me,i have to dominate and emasculate you.
Bumping this.

Keep personal insults to yourself.

1 good post per day is better than 50 shit posts.

There is no favouritism when it comes to personal attacks.
Spartacus starting making blatantly false allegations against Woody and Gerry and then trying to provoke me. It is 100℅ acceptable to any reasonable person for Gerry to throw in a few "kunts" here and there.
Spartacus starting making blatantly false allegations against Woody and Gerry and then trying to provoke me. It is 100℅ acceptable to any reasonable person for Gerry to throw in a few "kunts" here and there.

If Woody believes so he can PM me or report the post.
Gerry, contact Kelvin off the Forum, I'd suggest, he has Instagram.
Spartacus does speak the truth when he says that certain members on this board think their shit doesn't stink and that they should be bowed down too.

And Gerrys words above: "dominate and emasculate", makes me nauseous everytime i read it.

Spartacus provoking you Stiffy, isn't that the pot calling the kettle since you provoke almost every member on this board?
Your silence is deafening Shrek and speaks a lot about your character. That's why you're a career Manager I guess.
Your silence is deafening Shrek and speaks a lot about your character. That's why you're a career Manager I guess.


I have better things to do bloke.

For instance watching the prelims of UFC.

Suarez just won. She’s fantastic.
Spartacus starting making blatantly false allegations against Woody and Gerry and then trying to provoke me. It is 100℅ acceptable to any reasonable person for Gerry to throw in a few "kunts" here and there.

If Woody believes so he can PM me or report the post.

I seem to have missed something.

I got a PM about this but I thought it was a private matter dealt with through pm's but it now seems to be public. So, I will answer in public.

I can't seem to find a post by @sparticus that accuses me (and/or Gerry @stronkmanlet) of anything so I guess it was deleted or I just missed it. I did see one briefly where he calls me and Gerry "scum", but that seems to have been deleted and did not point to anything specifically. I was rather bemused by it and didn't dig deeper. I just put it down to his fragile ego.

Most of what @sparticus says is a little bit "bullshitty", half bullshit on top of half fact, mostly bullshit, or in most cases, full bullshit. So I don't read everything he posts, just stuff in my threads or replies to posts that I have made in his or other member's threads.

I may be off track with this, but going from my PM that I received, sparticus has claimed that the post I made in the thread on "in what sport would you turn pro" (or something like that) was a direct, or at least strongly indirect, reference to him and his daughter. At least, that's what I came up with after getting the PM.

My post, which was a joke about becoming a professional applier of sunscreen to hot chicks, featured a pic of Hulk Hogan putting sunscreen on a woman. I had no idea who the female was, and assumed it was the woman with whom he had an affair some time back or just some random girlfriend. I'm not that into People magazine or Facebook gossip.

For some reason, sparticus immediately took it that I was referencing him and his daughter, in some sort of weird incesty way.

This is total bullshit, which fits in with his general postings (see above), and is an indication on how he thinks, not how I think.

I would never stoop so low as to bring in family members, mocking or insulting them, or suggesting some sort of incestuous activity. The post had zero/nothing/nada to do with sparticus and/or his family. The post did not mention him, quote him, point to him or in any way suggest he had anything to do with the subject. It was not his thread and not a reply to any of his posts in the thread or any other thread. In fact, I'm not even sure if he posted in that particular thread.

I did not know, and did not care, what his family situation is or was. I did not know that he had a daughter or any children at all, did not know if he was married, single, gay, trans or whatever. I still don't care. He doesn't rate that high in my interests. I don't go around digitally stalking people, (even if they are total idiots) if they attack my ego. (In contrast, he dug up an old newspaper article about my powerlifting, which is fine, but tried to turn that into some sort of negative attack on me and my progress. That should tell you something.)

Initially, my post, which was intended to be a total joke about turning professional, was supposed to be a short clip from the dumb and dumber movie where they are offered a job applying sunscreen to bikini models. (Google it or see below.) But the clips were all too long so I went with a pic of much the same thing, only with a celebrity, not from the movie.

It was a joke about me.

To suggest my joke post references him and his daughter speaks directly to his thinking and inclinations, not mine. To suggest such an thing is scurrilous, deceitful, disrespectful and defamatory.

But above all else, this is evidence of a person whose immediate reaction to anything that deflates his ostentatious ego (or vaguely seems to suggest that) is to hit back well below the belt. Much like Donald Trump.

Sparticus, it's this sort of thing that shows what sort of person you are, not me.

I have no idea what Gerry said or implied or didn't imply so I won't comment on that. I'm not Gerry's bitch and he sure as hell ain't my bitch or anyone else's either. He's his own man so he can answer for himself.

Sparticus: if you have any sort of dignity or humility or anything approaching maturity, you will publicly apologise and/or retract such a baseless, false and disgusting accusation.

Let's see what sort of person he really is.

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kevin, i have asked others what they thought of the posts from you and Gerry which were posted after I copped another serve from Gerry.

your sense of timing with your post is undeniably inappropriate, and 'all' who read it thought it was highly offensive.

i have passed on matter with screenshot to others to assess, as well as your most recent response.

the rest is out of my out of my hands, but you should think twice before you post such rubbish.


Quoted, just so it stays on the open record.

"the Hulkster, that's his daughter no?" by Gerry.

Nothing about incest, either by Spartacus or Hulk Hogan. So much for Spartacus's claims
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yo know it is about the timing stiffy, you even made a response to woody about it.

The video of Trump saying he'd date his Daughter had a female talkshow host say "you're sick Man, who are you WoodyAllen?"

I quoted the talkshow host, not anything else.

Nothing about incest anywhere, except Trump's discussion of his Daughter.
why did you post such rubbish kevin? do you really think your intellect is boosted by crude humour which again is intended to disrail a thread where people were offering their genuine opinion about what they would have liked to be in sport.

how does that the sick clip about trump and remarks about his daughter makes any sensible contribution at all.

and you have the audacity to suggest my reaction reflects my sick mentality.
You others who allegedly supported Spartacus via PM, including Shrek really should look at your own biases.
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