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Increased Alt in liver

Abusing any drug has its risks. I like how on BB forums people will always try and justify gear use a safe by saying drinking alcohol to excess is dangerous.

My personally opinion is non medically trained people( most just google experts) using illegally acquired hormones to artificially manipulate their hormones to grow more muscle as carrying a decent amount of risk compared to having a few beers a week or popping a couple panadol for a headache. But that's just my opinion.
I never said it was healthy or harmless. But your not going to drop dead from a bit of gear or millions around the world would be dropping like flies
According to a quick google there is an estimated 3 million people who have or are using steroids in america. I think if everyone was dropping dead in there 30s someone migh of noticed and the risks of steroids long term are still somewhat un known. Yes some people have dies from gear use but as a % its fuck all. Also you have to take into account those gear users who are also big drinkers and drug users.

Yes at a pro level i agree you are probably going to die young but most of us arnt using 10 grams a week and everything else

Like most things its about moderation. If i were to run 250mg of test e a week for ever more (so about 2-3 times natural levels) you really belive im gona drop dead from it in my 30s or 40s?
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If you are replying to me I am not sure how you got from my post that I am saying everyone who uses roids is going to die in their 30s. When all I said is in my option it carries a fair amount of risk.
testosterone is a lot better for you than alcohol
red wine is good for you, but it's not the alcohol it's the other things in the wine

you'd have to dose testosterone very high to run into fatal issues. we are talking multiple grams a week for a many many years. I'd say a gram and under, no health issues here. 600mg a week has been proven long term with no health issues

Now trenbolone, any DHT derived steroid, oral steroids, pretty much anything that doesn't aromatise is going to be bad for you in the long term. So stick with testosterone, nandrolone, boldenone and dianabol for long term use. Of course, you need to cycle the dianabol, do not take that for 20 years lol

Outside of the RDA of alcohol, 20g/day, you start running into long term health issues. This is a single 200ml glass of red wine or 1.5 375ml 4.5% beers
My personal concerns are fertility (which i think is fucked by now anyway) and my heart. Not concerned about liver kidnees etc

Increased bp from water retention can deff be a killer
Increased bp from water retention can deff be a killer

yes for sure
main reason to stay under a gram
but good diet will often take care of this. single digit body, low carb paleo or mediterranean diet and you'll be good

basically as I say, you pick your poison here
steroids, or alcohol. never both
I do not drink, sometimes with dinner if fancy occasion but never get drunk. I got drunk on NYE and christmas, I will not get drunk again until next christmas or a wedding I suspect

I already take steroids and also smoke week at the weekend, this is more than enough already. It's like driving a car, you speed and you get a $400 fine. Or bald tyres the same. But speed with tyres bald as well, well then you lose your licence

So your saying you can take the test (injected??) for years on end??

So just out of curiosity, if I was going to start smashing the roids and did not want any sides that will have me dying at 60, (already past 45, so no risk of dying under 45 for me) What would it be, Oe what would/should I be taking to gain muscle, and not get fat and bloated?? And what would the results be??

So your saying you can take the test (injected??) for years on end??

So just out of curiosity, if I was going to start smashing the roids and did not want any sides that will have me dying at 60, (already past 45, so no risk of dying under 45 for me) What would it be, ie what would/should I be taking to gain muscle, and not get fat and bloated?? And what would the results be??
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Injecting is one of the safest ways to take a drug. You can take the injections subcutaneously, as I do, to remove scar tissue problems.

If you wanted to take steroids with no issues, just stick to testosterone, 250mg a week. This will have you healthy, no side effects, estrogen etc all in range as long as you're lean. If you need a boost, up dose to 500/week for a few month, then back down. Or something like 400mg equipoise if water is an issue at that dose as it is for some.

I'd maybe add in 2ui of HGH a day as well at your age
@genics and @oni - out of curiosity, (probably more directed at you Genics) why don't (or didn't you) just use small doses of testosterone and keep doing that? Is it because the body adapts?, you need more to keep growing?, or just that other drugs get you to where you want to get to faster?, or other reasons?
Good question,

Fun experimenting with other compounds, everyone has there benefit.

Want gains and strength faster than what a low dose of test will do. And imo the same dose of the same compound the body will just adapt to it and it will be pointless. Blasting amd crusing while rotating compounds is what you need.

So now im on 125mg test e a week amd 700mg tren e for 10 weeks. Then will do a 4-6 week cruise on 250mg test every 10 days. Then will either run 100mg oxy for 6 weeks or 2g test for 8 weeks, undecided which..then back to trt dose...then another blast of something else etc etc

well, I do actually
My ALT was at 400 a few months back. GP sent me for an ultrasound, which showed a normal liver. I'm now back in the reference range (45), the elevated enzymes were caused by a 2 week course of antibiotics.

Brent, once you come off they should return back to normal.