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I'm Over Squats


super m0derator
Im over squats I dont belive they need to be done forever. I dnt like leg presses either but found an upside leg press that gives me great feel and mega growth of late. As long as u are training legs twice a week I belive that u can benifet with out front or back squats.

Yes the McFLy has softend hes approach on certain machines to a certain degree.
I wouldnt say massivly overated but there more of an apprenticeship to leg mass. Now my knees n lower back get too much of a work out. For many years I was too macho and stuck in that u must squat crap. Squats are great but the average person cant do them forever.
Low bar squatting makes my arse blow uo and quads atrophy.


If you are a powerlifter you obviously have to squat.

If you are lifting for sport squats will be beneficial. Front or oly squats likely better than low bar.

For a lot of people that just want to grow some decent legs there are better exercises for that.
I will also add that I have got the shits with squats because I tried squatting again a couple days ago and could barely walk for 2 days and had to dose up on pain killers. Fuckin squats.

Why can not squat forever?

Perhaps not heavy...
Squatting is the best all over exercise you can do for strength but you should be mixing it up and doing plenty of oly squatting or front squatting. I suck at both so neglect them. Wish I had a leg press at home to bash the fuck outta my quads and calves.

Yep great for overall strength not that great for building quads in most people.

I would love a leg press as well. I use a shitty one at the footy club and end up with huge doms in my quads even when I have been squatting all the time. I was even surprised at how weak I was I the leg press.
The leg press won't replace a squat.

Both great exercises.

What I really like doing is all out out set of leg extensions before my squats followed by leg curls, but the trick is, no rest between as it doesn't give time for recovery.

The leg press enables you to really focus on the glute (hip) as well as the legs.

But it so important to have at least some form of the squat in your program because it is the only barbell exercise that effectively extends the hip, the leg press doesn't.

The TBL has always been a good alternative.
I like the way this forum has evolved...

strength vs bb training...

Squat vs leg press...

I farkin hate the leg press and don't like using it...

Squats has been a mission to learn but they have improved my mobility and significantly improved my lower back and all round functionality...

I will look to include leg press some time in the future...

You should never drop squatting period, its the king of lifts. Low bar squatting won't give you big quads though, well at least it won't for me. The low bar squat works the arse, hammies and back. When I start getting on a leg press my quads start blowin g up straight away.

Spose it all depends on your goals, if you want big legs low bar squats need to be supplemented. If you just want to squat the most weight possible well then squat more, still having bigger quads won't hurt.

All the really big pl squatters do alot of front/zercher/oly squats to get the quads going.

I use too bee the same way nazzy but I opend my mind. All squats done for me were lower back and getto booty lol I can hammer quads now I rip high volume into them sometimes 10 sets. I feel a little guilty that my legs are swoll as fuck from upside down leg presses and horiizontal leg presses. The 45 degree leg press kills my lower back unless I go super wide. The other 2 I just mentioned I can go super close it really hammers the tear drop. I could never get that high volume doing squats.

strength vs bb training...same thing.

Squat vs leg press.... Different animals.

I've watched forums for many years and I've seen the squat evolve into the darling of exercise.
And as usual, like everything we go from one extreme the other.

Don't need big quads... And fully agree that squats are a centre piece to all training programs...

I preference the low Bar squat at this stage.. can't list a reason other then its what coach rip does...
strength vs bb training...same thing.

Squat vs leg press.... Different animals.

I've watched forums for many years and I've seen the squat evolve into the darling of exercise.
And as usual, like everything we go from one extreme the other.

I think where somewhere in the middle atm...

Was very powerlifting dominant during Markos time...

And yet on the BB front seems to be some consensus that these behemoths die early and experience life long negative effects...

I've learned heaps from u guys...
No matter what squat variation I do I feel like I get similar quad/glute/ham activation

Any hypertrophy/atrophy is purely volume/frequency based