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I need your opinion


Will I ever look like Chris Hemsorth? (ie Thor)

Some recent pics of me from a few weeks back are in my training log.

Honest opinions only please. He is pretty much my goal, I would be a very, very happy man if I had that level of muscularity and body fat. In about 2 months, hopefully I'll have a similar level of bodyfat, I don't know if I'll look anything like that though.

Maybe end of next year?

Even then though, will I look anything like him?
everybody looks different.

But how can we tell from your back shot anyway? If you get a pose that hes doing in that pic, it would be a bit more obvious
everybody looks different.

But how can we tell from your back shot anyway? If you get a pose that hes doing in that pic, it would be a bit more obvious

Yeah I know, but I want to try to mould my physique to be as close as possible to that.

Back shot? I was talking about the front flexed one. Its obviously not the same, but its similar enough to gauge size/shape etc
you gotta remember that this guy has a GOOD dietician telling him exactly what to eat, rather than you just eating, also a GOOD personal trainer, and wouldn't be surprised if he used steroids...

and i don't see your front flexed one?
The way you look is going to be dictated by your bone structure.

I have no idea whether you will look like him, but rather than thinking like that, it is healthier to want to look like yourself, and improve on that, knowing that you cannot make goats piss out of gasoline.
you gotta remember that this guy has a GOOD dietician telling him exactly what to eat, rather than you just eating, also a GOOD personal trainer, and wouldn't be surprised if he used steroids...

and i don't see your front flexed one?

I'd say he looks like that in spite of those reasons rather than because of them.

I will say that his back looks like an ironing board.
Too hard to compare mate, may be post a photo of a similar pose next to each other, and we would have a better idea.

But I have never compared myself to anyone, just train to be the best YOU can be mate, thats all that matters
you gotta remember that this guy has a GOOD dietician telling him exactly what to eat, rather than you just eating, also a GOOD personal trainer, and wouldn't be surprised if he used steroids...

and i don't see your front flexed one?

I don't reckon he juiced, he already had a good shape before he started training for thor. The fact he did it in 6 months is ridiculous though.

You commented on the flexed one, you must have seen it lol. It was post 195 or something, a page or two back (depending on how many posts you have per page)

I know, I know. I want to know if I am at least close to looking like that though. I know I won't look exactly like him, or any of the other guys I want to look like, but I want to at least be in the same league.

I'd say he looks like that in spite of those reasons rather than because of them.

I will say that his back looks like an ironing board.

I agree.

I don't get the ironing board comment though??

Too hard to compare mate, may be post a photo of a similar pose next to each other, and we would have a better idea.

But I have never compared myself to anyone, just train to be the best YOU can be mate, thats all that matters

Once I get to a similar level of bodyfat, I might do that.

Yeah I know man, see my response to andy above
You really think he got that way all natural? I like your faith in people but I think he went the typical actor route and juiced it. Not condemning him if he did as he needed to look that good really quick but he was a skinny little man before hand.
You really think he got that way all natural? I like your faith in people but I think he went the typical actor route and juiced it. Not condemning him if he did as he needed to look that good really quick but he was a skinny little man before hand.

Really? Is it really typical, or is that just your opinion? I've never actually heard of any actors juicing to gain weight. I'm sure they wouldn't admit it if they did, but I haven't even heard rumours that they had.
thank you dave. My opinion - he juiced it. As dave said its typical actor route to get in shape quickly.

Only actor im sure hadn't juiced it is Mark Wahlberg in the fighter as he has always been in quite good shape, and has pics of his bulk for the fighter with a rather large gut, then took about 6 months or so to cutdown.

This guy, went from skinny to big in 6 months.
Really? Is it really typical, or is that just your opinion? I've never actually heard of any actors juicing to gain weight. I'm sure they wouldn't admit it if they did, but I haven't even heard rumours that they had.

Why would they talk about it? It would get them condemned by the media and society. look at some of the 3 month transformations (I have see statements.from Chris saying he did it in 3 months). Even the actors they use as muscle heads are former, and maybe current , juicers. The Rock for one, Arnie, Stallone, any wrestler etc. They now have to live up to guys like that which is damn hard. If I trained an actor and he had 3 months to 6 to get huge I would suggest it if they were not already decent. Money gets you supervised doctor administrations and check ups.

Hmm true.

Interesting that there is a joke in the movie about him using steroids. Maybe it was more of an inside joke....
The part where they rescue him from the shield facility by pretending he's a doctor or some shit. And the Shield guy asks how he was able to beat all the henchmen, and the guy says something along the lines of:

"Steroids! He's a fitness nut"