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How to overcome competition nerves + general Q's

How many lifters do you coach?

i dont at the moment, but that doesnt mean that i dont understand the importance of comp preparation, the only time i have ever hit an opener warming up was at my last comp when i used a shirt i had never worn before and had no idea what id get out of it. but like 90% of things it simply comes down to how you train
THe other guy in my weight class at my last comp took his bench opener 3 times
the first time he did it I was like "what are you opening on again?" and he said 70kg. I reminded him that the plates were 25kg before he started to set-up on the bench and he was like "yeah I'll do it a few times". I was like "o-ok" because I was too beta to give advice lol

Callan - note that this is approach is geared more to gym goers entering their first comp. Not someone being coached specifically for PL.

Good example is that at one of novice comps, a couple of the lifters bombed out of the comp because they used your approach.

They didn't realise that gym bars/plates are not calibrated and may not weigh as much as the number stamped on the plate, and the bar might not weigh 20kg, and they might never have paused bench in their training.

After failing to post a total they went back to their gym and checked and olympic bar in the gym was only 15kg....

There is no worse weight to introduce a new lifter to the sport than bombing out in their first comp.
Some great insights in this thread - cheers guys.

I've been thinking about my warm up sets for bench.

My 1st attempt will be 120 kg - so my warm up will be as follows:

1. bar only x 6 (speed reps, no pause, for loosening joints )
2. 60kg x 3 ( explosive, w/chest pause )
3. 80kg x 2 ( explosive, w/chest pause )
4. 100kg x 2 ( explosive, w/chest pause )
5. 110kg x 2 ( explosive, w/chest pause )
Opener 120kg x 1

Is this warm up plan sensible? Too many (few) reps?

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This is a damn good question...

I would probably just do my usual bench warm up??? So I guess it comes back to what suits you...

If it where me...
Grab a power band and do shoulder dislocations and other shoulder mobility

Bar x 10
40kg x 10
60kg x 10
80 kg x 8
100kg x 5
110kg x 3
120kg x 1

Opener 130kg

I often find that it takes a while for me to warm up...

The other thing I note is that there can be a long pause between warm up and actual lifting... Although in retrospect the adrenaline keeps you warmed up anyway...
you warm up pretty much the same ad me appart from your bench is much better so you have a few more sets
oh yeah fair enough, i see where you are coming from now haha

I'm weak but here is how my warmup went (first meet ever):

Bar x 5 (no pause)
40kg x 5 (no pause)
50kg x 3 (no pause)
60kg x 2 (no pause)
70kg x 1 (paused)
80kg x 1 (paused)

Opened at 90kg

This is VERY similar to how I warmup in a normal session (5,5,5,3,2,working).
So my Metal soft suit came. Tried it on and it looked friggin ridiculous. Guess I will need to wear it for a few training sessions to get used it.