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how embaressin'.......

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I trained with a mate today at his gym. It's easily The health club in my area. There's a lot...and i mean a LOT of pin-loaded machines & cardio equipment, such as bikes, treadmillls...stuff like that.

I should preface that my friend has been working out longer than I have.

We started on squats, since it's a great way to start a workout. We started to warm up with the bar, then slowly added weight. Each & every rep, he never even came close to parallel. When He saw me going all the way down, he commented to the other guy that was with us, that it's hard for him since he's taller. He's not taller. He's only a few inches taller than me. When it came to 80kg, about his bodyweight, he pulled the pin & let me train alone. I did 3 sets of 5 reps, with plenty more in the tank. I then did three sets of 3 reps, once again too much for him. I should say here that he's taller & heavier than me.

When it came to bench pressing, he actually asked me to spot him bench press 50kg, for 5 reps. I was stunned. Out of the two sets of 5 reps, the bar didn't even come close to his chest. Each rep he was grunting & huffing.

He said he was going to do some 'lat pull downs' for back. I suggested he do some 'pull ups', he said he couldn't do them, so he stuck to the lat pull downs.

During our stretches, he went on to tell me about how to work on my clean technique & even how to jerk weight off my chest.

I must've lookt like the biggest loser, spotting this guy bench pressing 50kg...with it never touching his chest.
Could be worse.

I was asked by a mate to spot him doing preacher's curls, then leg press.

Felt so gay.

He never asked again after he saw me doing a set of 20 rep squats.
50kg must be heavy for him. Remember everyone is different. As long as he was trying thats all that matters to me.
your mate must be a pro bodybuilder .. most bodybuilding pros do not use a full range of motion while lifting but thats generally because there lats/hammies are so huge at times they cant really go all the way unless your mate has the same dimensions i would as well.

as long as he doesn't grunt doing the 50kgs its all good
Exactly the question I asked.

He told me to stand on the side and push it up if the weight starts to crush him. I was thinking "there's no way in hell I could push 200+kg off this guy from this angle" but I think he just needed me there for the moral support.
Sorry fella's, i thought I said how he grunted in each & every rep. HE actually failed on the last rep, of the last set, which i of course pulled it off him (the first time the bar touched his chest).

Sure. We all have to start somewhere. This guy's been training longer than I have & actually studied sport science in year 12. If he's having trouble with bench pressing 50 for 5 & not a single rep touches his chest & can't do a single squat at bodyweight...then....

I've been asked to spot somebody doing a leg press. It's pretty much impossible to pull up 200+kg off the person, considering the weight & the useless angle. There's a clip on youtube of some guy being spotted doing a powerclean
What's *embarrassing* is your spelling and that you feel you need to hang shit on your "mate" on a forum.

Your mate obviously just does not know how to train correctly. Maybe helping the guy by showing him some worthwhile writing by some worthwhile coaches would help him out. But no you rubbish the bloke on a public forum.

How you you feel if the weightlifters you now train with started giving you shit because you can't deadlift what they snatch?

How long have you been "training" for again? And what are you're best lifts? Do you really want to be bragging about repping 80 in the squat and rubbishing other lifters?

We all started somewhere, and there is always someone bigger/stronger/faster. They might just be laughing at you. Try and remember that.
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Yeah it's a bit uncool to rag on your mate because he's uneducated. Having just started lifting, I'm not strong but I'm not about to rag on someone else who's weaker than I am.

Lazy on the other hand is fair game.
Bit harsh on your mate there,and obvisouly you know what your doing, maybe you should given him some help and advice , if he rejects and is a knob about it then get stuck into him.nomatter how long youve been lifting theres always something new to learn.
I think everybody needs to calm the fcuk down. I'm not dissin' him. I actually really love the bloke. He's a fantastic guy. He knows better. He should. He studied sport science in year 12. He's been working out for longer than I have. I didn't really have the heart to chat with him about his lifts during the workout. I'll do it next time we catch up.

I also want to point out, that by no means am i bragging about what weight I move. I squatted 80 for 5. That's not great. It's not bad, but it's not great. I was really just using that number to point out, that for a guy taller, heavier & with apparent more knowledge than I do, he does 1/4 squats & bench presses less than my girlfriend. Like I said, i love him & he's a top bloke.

Furthermore, if any of the ladies in my weightlifting club gave me stick about how they can snatch twice what I c&j, I would just shrug it off as where I'm at in terms of development. Something a little similar happened tonight. I was doing jerks from the racks. I was using 50, my mate was working next to me with 150kg. He jokingly asked how much weight was on his bar...i counted 2 25's, 2 20's, 2 10's plus the bar. he then asked me what i was using!! i looked at him & said 'not enough!!
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I always compare my mates lifts to my mrs to make them feel better about themselves...

There's nothing wrong with it. I compare my lifts to what girls are doing in my gym. When I see them cleaning 75kg...when their shorter & lighter than me...I get excited about what I can do
Pull your head in PB your rubbishing someone on a forum they can't even reply on. Not to mention you should hardly be bragging. If lighter women are outlifting you then you need to pull your finger out and actually try some hard training.

Stop posting stupid and pointless topics on this forum and just focus on your lifting for once.

And by the way your Olympic lifter was using 130kg with the plates you mentioned not 150, get it right FFS. I thought you were a weightlifter? Can't you even add up plates with all your knowledge and experience? Jeez even my missus could add that up.

Not very nice is it?
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General comment about comparing men with women: do men have any ****ing idea how annoying and insulting this is from a woman's perspective? A woman outlifts a man and it's used as a benchmark of male weakness. Yeah, we know we don't have the same level of testosterone and kilo for kilo we shouldn't ever be as strong -- ****ing live with it and compare men with men's benchmarks and women with women's benchmarks. A strong man is a strong man. A weak man is a weak man. Same with women. Stop the insults and false compliments, please.
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