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How does alchohol affect your training?

Bit different to an occasional drink dont you think???????
I am in the process of trying to give up alcohol. This is a choice I have made on my own (well actually, my wife and I have decided to try to do this together).

Bit different to an occasional drink dont you think???????

Selective quoting to suit your argument?

In any case, I now understand your opinion on the matter.
Im looking forward to my drink tonight Oznipper and myself moved our squats to thursdays instead of fridays so we can have a drink after work.
Who cares if drinking affects training or not, there is a more important thing that it affects. YOUR GOD DAMN HEALTH. Surely that's more important than "It tastes nice, or "It makes me relax".

I can do aot of things to relax, pop some diazapam.. Do i? NO. Does it feel good? Fuck yes!

Thats not the Australian dream Noobs, nor is it only Australian culture.

You could do that at a Wine drinking festival and they would still have the same reaction.
Who cares if drinking affects training or not, there is a more important thing that it affects. YOUR GOD DAMN HEALTH. Surely that's more important than "It tastes nice, or "It makes me relax".

Going out and having a few, or maybe a few too many on occasion probably isnt going to destroy someones health.
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I did nothing.
Although being less learnered* then, I do admit to the odd ocassional drink at a Niteclub, but even then these were very minimal. I virtually am alcohol free since I was 24, that's when I met the Mrs and stopped frequenting Niteclubs.
Skywalker, I only used the stubbies as one example, I could use hundreds of scenarios, you missed the point.

Alcohol is accepted because the Government says that drug is legal, so uneducated people just go along.

Anyway, I'm out, I've done this before with the same results.

Keep it nice so it doesnt get locked
Ghrp6 caused deaths 0

Alcohol... Fuck anyone want to guess?

What one is legal and not for criminals?
this is all VERY good reading.

But firstly, to ANYONE who says drinking isn't dangerous, let's see what you have to say when you have to watch a little girl die because some fukcwit was drink driving... try telling her mother why her baby girl wont be home!!!(sorry guys)

I like most people went through a huge stage where i drank all the time, but now very rarely pick up a drink cause my tastebuds just dont like it. I think almost everyone knows how bad it is, but most of them play the "ignorance is bliss" card.

Every party my in-laws have there is always at least 4 kids under 15 drinking UDL's or something like that... i just shake my head at them...
i dont drink, havent in over 13 years.
Like when i say this. I mean i havent drank 1 bit of alcohol in that amount of time.

So many of my mates have big weekends and monday, tuesday etc they are struggling with strength etc compared to later in the week.

I cant stand mates who worry so much about diet, calorie intake etc.
yet on weekends smash every type of drink back.. But that doesnt come into diet consideration. hahahaa
Pro drivers are on .00 BAC in the ACT now so i just avoid the stuff all together nowadays

All my cash gets used up on my cars and food anyway.
Alcohol should be treated just like any other drug. You should understand the compound you are consuming and how it you will be affected by it.

As with any drugs problems only occur from misuse, carelessness, a lack of knowledge or incorrect dosage.

As Markos mentioned people are of the opinion that alcohol is less of a danger due to its legal status. That simply shows a lack of knowledge and is a damn shame.

Alcohol and cigarettes are the biggest killing drugs. No doubt caused by their widespread availablity. This widespread availability does not at all diminish their risk to your body or their potential for abuse. All it does is open them up to a wider market and create a government as depenant on the tax revenue as a booze hound is for their next drink.

After all simply banning all alcohol and ciggarettes would greatly reduce availability and community harm. But then they would simply go underground and be produced by criminals you say. Yep same as all other "undesirable substances". What makes alcohol and nicotine so special? But so many people can enjoy a drink without abusing the stuff you say! Indeed, just the same a MDMA, Cocaine, Amphetamines, DXM, LSD, Magic Musrooms, Anabolic steriods and the list goes on. I know plenty more people who simply use this stuff rather than abuse it.

My point is take whatever you want but dont be a dick and think it wont have some effect on your body. Just educate yourslef on the effects and make an informed decision. Your own decision, not the governments.
