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Hip/lower back steching?


Active member
Hey fellas (Dave ),

A quick run down of what I've done.
A few weeks before nationals, I was doing some heavy band work for deadlifts (210kgx12 lockouts).
As a result, the cartilage joint in my hip moved apart and kind of got stuck. The muscles started to really tighten up to compensate or protect this injury.

I went to nationals, with LOTS of deep heat, and lifted. This obviously made the problem much worse. I ended up with a seized hip joint, 2 swollen discs and really tight muscles.

Off to chiro, he has fixed the hip issue. It is now good as new.
Discs are now fine.

However, I'm still left with the muscle tightness. Before the injury, I could touch my toes without any streching. Now I'm about 100mm away, unless I stretch and gradually make my way lower.
If I'm sitting straight in a chair and TRY to put my chin on my chest, I get a mad stetch in my lower back.
If I stand straight up and bend at the hip, my lower back starts to stretch before my hammys.
Also the massuse said my quads are really tight.

I dont think I have any more injurys, it's now just flexability and tightness.

At the moment the stretches I'm doing are;
Touching toes
Backwards bends
Raise heel to hip for quads.
Sitting, try and lay chest on knees. Streches my lower back.

That's about it. Are their any other really good stretches im missing out on?
I'm also starting yoga next week.
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Was it the actual hip joint or a pelvic joint (sacroiliac joint or pubic symphysis). Just that your hip either dislocates (happens in car accidents and rarely outside of that) or it is always in the joint. It may just be your description is confusing me. Also was the pain sharp, dull, shooting, throbbing, burning? Did it stay in your lower back an hip (up top on side) or shoot down your leg or further up your back? The type and location of pain will give me a better idea of the what the actual problem was. Unless you know exactly what the chiro diagnosed it as.

But anyways back to stretching for now. Your chiro should have given you a stretching program but since he was lazy.

Glute medius/minimus and ITB - I can't find a suitable video as it seems most don't know this stretch. But you lie face down, get in a push up position, bring the knee of the leg you want to stretch up towered your hip and bring it across to the other side of your body so you are leaning on the knee. Cross your other leg over and behind it to give yourself support. Lean on your knee and push the opposite sides hip to the ground whilst simultaneously pushing your hips across to the side of the keg you are stretching. You should feel a stretch at the side of your hip and it should be adducted across your body. Let me know if you are confused and I'll rewrite the explanation.

Glute stretch - better model for you

Hamstring stretch - Start with the basic seated legs out in front grab your ankle and lean over. Progress to lying on your back keeping your leg straight and pulling it back towards your torso.

Piriformis stretch - [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2qZ517Rw7ME&feature=youtube_gdata_player[/ame]

Hip flexor stretch - [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKFJOTk-cUE&feature=youtube_gdata_player[/ame]

Do 5 sets of 30 seconds throughout the day or in one session what ever is easiest. I will find videos and edit as I go. I am at work and can't be screwed actually working so you've given mensomethinf to occupy myself with. Do your quad stretch and lowrr back stretch still, if you do yoga you can skip these on the days you do it. The thing with flexibilty is you don't want to much of it as that is worse for the joint. You want a bit more than you will need so you still have a tight joint but it can move past what you normally use it for. Also invest in a kong dog toy ball (available in all supermarkets) it's a red rubber bouncy dog treat toy with a hole in the middle. Put it on the ground find your tender spots and put pressure on them for ten seconds, find another spot and repeat for about 5 minutes. It is great for your ass pain. You can also roll around on it for a bit.
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sorry, your correct, a pelvic joint. I'm 95% sure it was the sacroiliac joint.
The pain is like a bad DOMS at the moment, that is, is really tight and discomforting to stretch, but as I do it improves.

No other pain, it's isolated to the Glute mead/spinae erector area.
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Actually Dave, I don't think the spinae erectors (the 2 big muscles in my lower back that you can see in my avatar?) are tight.
When I put my chin on my chest I get a lower back stretch, but it seems to be the muscles under (deeper/closer to abs) the 2 you can see in my avatar.
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Sounds like SI if it is pelvic it has to be that. It is common with hip pain and radiating lower back pain. I myself get glute medius and slight radiating lower back pain due to piriformis syndrome which is compressing the nerve to my gluteus medius, it makes a sharp shooting pain and you get muscle wasting and weakness in your glute medius, which is definitely a nerve problem.
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When you tuck your chin to your body it wil stretch the upper portion of the erectors as they are really a lot of muscles that run up your spine to the base of your skull and branch out laterally to the ribs. If you feel a stretch doing the chin tuck it would mean you are a little tight in your thorax. Most people are not overly tight in their lower back but it is their hips positioning that is making the issue. You can cut the back stretches if you feel it's a waste of time. Just finding a glute stretch video for you and you should be set.
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Thanks a lot Dave. I appreciate the effort mate .

Ill have to google a vid for the ITB/glute med though..... I dont know what your talking about lol
Hey sticky. I've ingured my si joint deadlIfting 3.5 months ago. MRI, no disc problem. Physio diagnosed me. I haven't stepped foot in the gym since until I can fix this. My question is, how bad was your injury? Did it effect ur daily life? What did u do to rehab it? How long did it take you to get back to normal? I know these are a lot of questions, but I've been very anxious these days.
Lying on your back, bring one leg over in a 90 degree angle, arms out straight against the floor, while looking the opposite way your leg is, is great for your lower back....taking a few deep breaths in and way your are ready to switch sides, take a nice deep breath out while switching legs. Another great one, is to hang from a pull up bar, to let all the tension that is built up in your back to release. You have to be very limp for your vertebrate to fall into place. For your hips, a simple hip flexor stretch works wonders. One leg in front of the other, almost like a lunge position, push forward so you feel it in the hip/leg that is behind you, then turn your torso to look away from the side of the leg that is back then switch side...looking away from the leg that is back allows for a deeper stretch.