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Yer i see where ur coming from, that was a pritty stupid example i used.. wasnt really to justify anything, more to annoy people like bazza.
imo doing multiple sets of 8-15 to failure is MORE LIKELY to cause injury than heavier weights. good luck maintaining good form after doing 2-3 to complete failure, not to mention overuse injuries that will come with doing 100 reps of triceps in 1 workout.

+ Hitting failure all the time = longer to recover from, thus stimulating muscle growth less often

focusing on strength is much more efficient than going to fatigue.. what if one days fatigue is 5 reps less than a previous one? have you overloaded/ progressed? nope
also, how are u supposed to quantify your progress?

I dunno about you but if I don't know if im getting better i wouldn't be motivated to continue

Ironically a well known powerlifting coach has his athletes do 100-200 reps of exercises eg triceps pressdowns, hamstring curls to help keep their joints healthy

(he would agree with your opinion that low rep sets are safer than high rep sets)
Ironically a well known powerlifting coach has his athletes do 100-200 reps of exercises eg triceps pressdowns, hamstring curls to help keep their joints healthy

(he would agree with your opinion that low rep sets are safer than high rep sets)

ok lol go try it on a regular basis and let me know how your elbows feel

.......... if ur form is going shit that just means you need to use a lighter weight the next set, its not rocket science and having a injury with lighter weights........ are you for real? Training to failure is what makes muscles grow, ur muscles wont respond if ur not busting ur ass. What do you mean what if 5 reps is less then the previous one, that just means ur muscles are burnt out *good sign* meaning uve recruited the muscle fibres and broken them down.
also, how are u supposed to quantify your progress?

I dunno about you but if I don't know if im getting better i wouldn't be motivated to continue

But bodybuilding isnt about training to get stronger, that myth as older then jesus.

first off i'd just like to say i don't mean to be insulting and am not trying to start an arguement (incase its coming off that way)

What I mean is what if one workout you hit say
100kg bench for 12 reps FAILURE

assume: you've been having shit sleep, stress and stuff like that + Working to failure all the time on all your workout days

7 days later you hit 9 reps 100kg bench to FAILURE

you haven't progressed at all, and if anything have gone backwards. I'd argue that this would happen ALOT if your training to failure all the time, even if the weights are light. going in and trying to 'burn out' your muscles is a sure fire way to stay the same for a long ass time and make no progress lol.

who's counting, if you think you have to destroy yourself more, than do another 4 or 5 sets until you have obliterated your chest.

it's not about how many reps you do, it's about how much you can destroy your muscles.

if you aren't growing, train harder or eat more food.

I load the bar up with whatever weight looks the goods and go from there, If I think I need more plates I add more for the next set,

if I think I am using too much weight, I take some off.

after a set or 2, I really push hard and try to go balls to the wall for as many sets as I feel I need to do.

Sometimes I do 1 set on an exercise if I feel it was effective and move on.

I don't care how much weight I use, go by feel.

Unless your pumped up a load of gear that kind of training isn't efficient. Now the key word is efficient, EVERYTHING WORKS but some better than others.

Tracking progress + consistent strength gains > "instinctive" workouts and going to failure with no clue as to whether or not you've progressed

so you base your progression in bodybuilding by strength increases. why not just train as hard as fuck...

nothing is "efficient" if you are lazy, It doesn't make sense to me to try and chase rep numbers,

I have tried that before and I think subconsciously, people will take a little longer rest or break form a little just to get that extra rep or 2, so you can tell yourself you have progressed.

I found that when I threw the diary away, my intensity went up and when you don't have to worry about chasing the numbers, the rest times shorten, and when your in the zone, you can throw in a random drop set or superset just because you feel like it at the time.

Also if you start getting a niggle or pain, you can switch things up and do different exercises or rep ranges, having this freedom, saves potential injuries...

this is my way of thinking, I don't think juice is some magical thing that changes the way muscle is made. it just makes it more efficiently.
I am loving that this issue is now being argued over by (no offense meant) people with the collective training experience of little over a year...
I am loving that this issue is now being argued over by (no offense meant) people with the collective training experience of little over a year...

Hahaha! I was thinking the same thing. Should I give my input? After all, I'm a bodybuilding novice, so I have tremendous insight.

Gotta love a debate though.