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Help with Press


New member
G'day all , i am doing mark rippetoe's starting strength workout and as you all know press (standing military press) is one of the exercise for the routine. At the moment I am facing a huge problem with my presses i've gone up in all my workouts but with press I am struggling, weights aren;t going up thats secondary problem but the major problem is one week i do press with some weight ,i use same weight for the next workout but cant even finish my sets. BTW weights i am doing for press are 50 (3X5)kilo, My squats are 125(3X5), deads 145(1x5), bench ~70(3X5) and power clean 60(5X3) ! please help me with how do i go up with press!! THanks!!! B/W ~78, Height 179cm, Fat% 14
Do you have a video of your press and bench? A little technique change could help you out. As much as I do not like changing someone elses program you may need to start trying to increase your MP in other ways.

First off try 1kg more next week and see how you go. 2.5kg should not be too much of a jump for you at the moment but you may need some smaller jumps.

You could add another set each week and until you hit 5 reps for that next set move up until you can do 5x5 of 50kg.

You could also try to increase your reps instead of weight each week.

Also maybe take a week off MP and BP and see how you feel the next week.

You could drop the weight to to about 40kg and work back from there adding 2.5kg per session and see if you can then progress past 50kg.

There are lots of different ways to progress and get around your little plateau.