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Help with overhead press

There is no magic rep range
If you're stuck, it's as simple as doing something different
Alright so to answer a few questions

Why 11 reps?
The program I'm on has a self regulating progression which starts at 12 reps adding weight each week then when you can't do that anymore drop the weight 10% and do the same with 11 reps adding weight each week until you can't do 11 reps any more. Repeat this until you reach 5 reps on all compound lifts and then the beginner program is over. Currently I'm at 11 reps on the OHP.

Why timed rest at 2 minutes?
This is mainly because I generally give myself an hour to complete each workout and the timing helps me stay focused as well as not cooling down too much between sets.

Do I have the right press technique?
Thanks for the input on technique, I do aim for the lockout with my arms over ears and the bar above my head, although instead of trying to move the bar back once it's over my head I try to keep the bar path straight up and down and think of moving my body back under the bar once it's over my head height if that makes sense. I also have a narrow grip with the inside edge of my hands just outside of shoulder width which is a bout 5cm in on each side from my bench grip.

You don't get strong lifting 35kg. Go heavy in a low rep range?
On this note it's partially covered in the rep range question. Ultimately I agree that low rep ranges are great for building strength and I will get there eventually. I'm fairly confident with my plan of slow progress as I think incremental progress over time is more important than getting to a decent weight in a short time and if I was able to keep the progress up I would be reaping out 160kg OHP within the year(very unlikely though)

Could it be lactic acid?
I don't thinks its lactic acid as there is no burn that I would associate with lactic acid, just a deadness and feeling of heaviness as I start to struggle with the reps. It sounds more like it could just be general fatigue.

On a further note I guess the reason I'm discussing this is because I only seem to have this severe drop in performance on the 3rd set in the OHP, all the other lifts go ok with a fairly linear drop in performance across the 3 sets.

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There is no magic rep range
If you're stuck, it's as simple as doing something different

Understand there is no magic rep range. And I wouldn't say I'm stuck yet just trying to figure out why I fatigue so much faster on the OHP

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Understand there is no magic rep range. And I wouldn't say I'm stuck yet just trying to figure out why I fatigue so much faster on the OHP

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Everyone is different
You need to experiment and figure it out for yourself
A forum isn't going to know you better than you do yourself
Why'd you bother asking us dude, you already had all your own answers.

Seems like you just need to either work on your endurance or rest more
Well I do have some of my own answers but I definitely don't know everything and asking around is a good way of making sure you have looked at most of the variables.

And hey isn't that what forums are for??

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Well I do have some of my own answers but I definitely don't know everything and asking around is a good way of making sure you have looked at most of the variables.

And hey isn't that what forums are for??

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They are for getting what you need and you got what you need- the realisation that you can easily figure this out for yourself
I always find doing OHP to be way harder if I just busted my balls squatting heavy. If it's the first lift of the day however.. lookout!
next session try for a 3.5 minute break between sets 2 and 3.
you'll get the last rep on set 3 due to longer break.
yes, rest period can vary from person to person.

If you want to complete same reps on 3rd set, then drop weight and go from there. Or increase rest period to get reps on all three sets.
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By the way here's a vid that really helped me with my overhead press. Previous to following this guy's cues I could only press with a narrow grip without shoulder irritation. Stretching as I said before (cat / lat stretch) is also key.
