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help with new routine


New member
Hey guys, just need some help forming a new routine.

I used to go 5 days a week to the gym but now can only manage 4 with work.

Current routine is:

Monday - Legs: squats, leg curl, leg extension, calf raises and leg press

Tuesday - Chest: Bench press, dumbell press, cables and pec fly/chest press machine

Wednesday - Back and biceps: pull ups, preacher curl machine, seated row, barbell curl, lat pull down, dumbell curls, another seated row machine and some lower back hyper extensions
(I don't do deads because I have lower back injuries which put me out for weeks from the gym)

Thursday - epic soreness so rest

Friday - Shoulders: shoulder press, lateral raises, bent over raises, barbell press and shrugs.

Now usually my 5th day would be triceps but I can't go 5 days a week, so I need to incorporate triceps into it somehow.

For triceps I usually do: skull crushers, dips, cables with flat bar and cables with V-shaped bar.

Need some advice on how to tweak this routine

EDIT: Unsure of some of the names of the machines
What's your height, weight and bodyfat?
Also what do you bench, squat and deadlift?
As normally gets said, if you have to start a thread to ask for advice you've a 99% chance of getting best results from training full body 3xweek or upper/lower 2x each per week.
height: about 5'8", weight: 57kgs, haven't measured body fat but my guess is less than 20%, around 15%

bench: 65kgs
squat: 60kgs (haven't been doing it long because of back injuries)
and I can't deadlift because my back puts me out for weeks, maybe I'll dead just the bar or very light for a while
Mate i would cut down to 3 times a week and concentrate on compound exercises/full body workout. That's what I'm doing, you can't go wrong following a routine similar to something Fadi has written, again that's what I'm doing. I looked high and low for sound advice on where to start (been lifting a month now) and decided to follow Fadis' advice from his posts. I am making great progress and feeling stronger than ever, my training partner (my wife) has been lifting for a couple years in a general stay fit get stronger way, and looked at what Fadi had to say in some of his posts, needless to say she has gone back to basics as well (for the last month with me) and is getting results she hasn't had in years (pound for pound, shes bloody stronger than me now lol). So that's what I do, I would also suggest you look at 'The gospel of Fadi' in this forum somewhere (soz don't know how to post links, someone else may do it for you), it has lots of advice and sound easy to understand knowledge. Good luck with your training change up.
How's this?

Squat 4 x 8-10
Bench press 4 x 8-10
Seated row 4 x 8-10
Military press 3 x 8-10
DL 3 x 8 (start off really light and see how my back feels)
BB curl 3 x 8
Dips 4 x 8-10

But with this sort of routine how do you warm up each muscle? I used to always do light sets of the muscle I was working out but this is full body so do you go straight to your working weight or?

and also 3 or 4 days a week for this routine?

I also just wanted to add that my aim is to look aesthetic
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You can warm up by doing each exercise at a lightweight and pump out high reps. Lower back stretches help for deads. Always keep this in mind dude - form over weight.

Do the routine Mon, Wed, Fri and rest on Sat and Sun. Get your diet in shape and your strength and weight will climb.

Whatever your goal is, start off with a basic compound lift program. You've got to build a solid base then you can start changing up your routine to suit something towards powerlifting/strength or bodybuilding style for size. Trust me and everyone else that says that, I've waisted over 6 months doing split routines and the progress I've made isn't anything to get really excited about, been stuck at 82+/- 1kg for over 3 months and strength is only going up slightly.
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I'm happy to see that things are working out for you and your wife Rambo. Well done to both of you.


What type of gym you at mate? With a bad back I'd do this:

Squat 4x8-10*
Standing Overhead Press (Barbell or Dumbell) 3x8-10**
Hyperextensions on a Roman Chair 4x12-15
Dips 4x8-10
Wide Grip Seated Row 4x8-10
BB or DB curls if you so desire, possibly done in a tri-set with Single Leg Calf raises and an Ab exercises, all done for higher reps (12+)

*If Back Squats are no good do front squats but only up to 5 reps.
**These will be hard to progress on, when you start to stall aim for 1x8-10 with a 'higher' weight then drop it down and do as many as you can, drop it down again etc etc so your working sets could look like:
40kg BBx10 *increase weight next session*
37.5kg x max reps
35kg x max reps
Next session:
42.5kg x 6 *keep weight for next session*
40kg x max reps
37.5kg x max reps

Warm ups sets for the reps you're doing I'd go probably 10 reps with 60%
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If his aim is to be aesthetic, a split routine would probally be best for him.
Oh, well i do 8 reps on it and i haven't choked out.. yet. My face goes all red and all the veins in my neck appear lol. I purposely don't put the bar in the right position though.

Do you mean include these in my workout or just these alone because I don't see anything for chest.

Also I'm at a gym with pretty much all equipment but I'd like to keep squat rack exercises to a minimum cause there is only 1 and it's always being used and I like to work at my own pace.

Lastly I'm pretty confused now, someone recommended a split routine?

I've got no idea what to do now
They do, but choosing dips over bench press for chest? I feel like my chest is much more worked doing bench
Then you need to move the handles on the dips out and/or lean forward more when you do them.

Or go down further. You should be able to obtain a larger ROM on dips than bench and therefore more pectoral involvement and stretch
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