Have you met you half year goals? if so; what have you achieved? if not ;what haven't you achieved
Definitely, was given an instruction to drop 10 percent of my body weight by christmas from the doctor.
Starting weight 94kg in April
Current Weight 82Kg in July
Smashed it!
My other goal was to start excercising regularly and properly and to tidy up my diet.
Smashed the excercise bit
The diet is a work in progress and I have many factors influenceing it, so although I realise its the biggest thing to concentrate on overall, I have had to do it the opposite way lol.
Another goal, to be happier this year, and I am definitely happier.
Got to pull my "too small clothes, hide because they make you cry" pile and now wearing them, hanging of me.
Worked out this year that skinny is not healthy, muscles are healthy and numbers are for mathematicians and thieves, not me. LOL.
Finally managed to convince my husband that I am always right. << Women will understand how all my other acheivments aside, this is the one that counts.