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Haii, new to bodybuilding.


New member
hey Guys, im 17 years old, im 170cm tall and weight 70kg and new to bodybuilding. I took up doing dumbbells sept 2009 for a couple of months on my forearms and biceps and quit for about 3 months and wanting to get back into it but hoping to go much further.

Im just wondering if anyone could help me out with a good bodybuilding plan with the equipment i have instead of hitting the gym before i finish year 12.

my goals at the moment are to Increase fitness, loose fat, but mainly gain muscle and expect good results (Y)

The workout i did for bout 8 weeks with the dumbbells was a 3 sets x 10 reps x 2 times a day, 6 times a week. Their was improvement but i think with help from here i can achieve greater results.

I own adjustable dumbbells, a boxing bag, a treadmill and a 6 stations home gym (pic bellow)
Cant post links img263.yfrog.com/i/hg1901.jpg/


Kind Regards,
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Mate check out this program - Guide to Novice Barbell Training, aka the Official RIPPETOE-STARTING STRENGTH FAQ - Bodybuilding.com Forums its a tried and tested method to bulk up and get stronger, and has a lot of options for advancement in the later stages.

Make sure you pick up Rippetoe's Starting Strength and Practical Programming, both in 2nd edition. Also be realistic - you might put on 10-15kg of lean bodymass in the first year, but not 20+. You ever seen a 20kg pile of steak? so dont eat the insane amounts they recommend on bb.com, just shoot for 1g protien per pound of bodyweight and you'll be fine.
not saying anyone's wrong or right but different things work for different people. I reckon at 17 you should be able to eat almost limitlessly if you want to put on weight. Most really active 17 yo's couldn't put fat on if they tried.

Eat as much as you can and see what happens. If you start putting on fat that you're not comfortable with, back off til it levels out.
Probably with that philosophy Puff is people get regimented and then cannot break it. They will get use to eating everything in sight and by the time they are 21 they are fat without realising what happened.
i'm not saying eat a million calories and continue on blindly, i said eat and watch what happens then amend if necessary.

i ate anything i wanted and didnt see the affects of this until i was around 26 or 27 (wish i trained back then). yes i then got up to 110 kg but without too much effort got back to 85 kg.
i was 85 kg for 4 years. i put on 5 kgs towards the end of last year but i reckon i'll keep going up for a while yet unless the mirror or wife tells me i'm getting fat instead of bigger.
Probably with that philosophy Puff is people get regimented and then cannot break it. They will get use to eating everything in sight and by the time they are 21 they are fat without realising what happened.


People always overestimate size. At 6'2 and 105kg Arnold stepped onto a stage and won the mr olympia 6 times.

At 10% bodyfat 90kg is big. at 10% bodyfat 100kg is enormous.

This year I put on '20kg' of that I'd estimate only 10kg was LBM. Though I've lost weight I'm still recovering - cutting is a lot harder than it sounds when your mates go drinking on the weekend.
Haha Shrek, i did exactly what you said. When i was 16-17 i could eat huge amount of food and i never put any weight on. by the time i was 21 i was 113kgs. if you get into the habbit of eating everything in sight and you dont realise that you need to change you do end up fat.
I am also new to bodybuilding. i am trying to get strong muscle mass. Is it any training program best for me or any other better option will be there? would some one suggest me and also any extra workouts needed? Usually i am doing cardiac and one hr walking.
Cardio and walking wont build muscle mass, read the links posted here cutecub and let us know what you think. You dont need advanced split routines, only compound exercises