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H20.. What have I been doing?!!!!

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Hi Folks,

So this will probably be common sense to most of you (as it was to me, but I was just lazy and never kept up the intake).

Recently I bought myself a few 1.25L Water bottles. I cycle these so that I always have a full one and now consume approx 4-8L of water a day.

Previously I'd be lucky to have a liter! I'd fill the rest up with useless coke zero's, red bulls and other fizzy nonsense.

I sent a PM to Fadi not so long ago regarding supplementation and mentioned how tired I was all the time.

Now that I'm drinking mass amounts of water, I feel healthier, my skin looks cleaner and fresh, my body is fuller, I'm nowhere NEAR as tired as I used to be, infact - I finished my gym routine last night and wanted to go again!

I still like to enjoy the odd coke or redbull if i'm out at a function, but day to day, h20 keeps me going XD

Just re-read my post, not much to it... just backing up the claims that water plays a pretty important role in the body and that I feel great with my recent changes!

Keep lifting!

Good stuff mate, glad to hear you have seen the light. I work for a drinks company and watch everyone downing sugary fizzy drinks all day because they are free, myself on the other hand, I take 2 1.25 lt bottles of water from the fridge(also free) to take with me in the truck for the day and dont touch the fizzy crap.
I don't think 8 litres of water is required.

How can it be?

Water should match calories on a ratio of 1:1. Hence where the 8 glasses a day comes from (8 glasses = 2000g water: 2000 calories = standard woman's diet).
If I factor both water & milk I am getting easily 5-6L a day, getting sick of the constant toilet breaks to be honest.
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Consider it a form of bladder strength training.

Keep a separate logbook and keep track of the time from when you finish a glass to the time you are watering the lawn.

There are of course a number of progressions - time, the amount of water you drink, the number of times you have an 'accident', lawn watering sessions p/day.

This training has great carryover to your 1RM as well, the next time you are busting on the way home but it seems alright until you see your house and have to **** with all the keys/locks because your eyes tell your brain 'hey we made it'.