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Gyms in prison

I addressed every single one of your so called problems. When you have nothing left to say you crack the shits.

If a stupid car defect law is the best you can come up with as a problem with the law, and in an argument, your life is pretty good.

Wtf are you talking about?

I crack the shits when people say dumb things then defend there idiot idea till death.

Following a law for being a law? Regardless of what it is... The idea is retarded.

Its called Revenue raising lol. Lots of ridiculous laws floating around. You probably come off as a hoon so the cops think lets get this c*nt.
I don't need to research. I'm involved in the system and I see it every day. Its a joke.

Not sure what you're disagreeing with in the second part? My point was that they come from disadvantaged backgrounds that has the potential to lay the foundation of a criminal. Pretty sure it was the same as your point.
havnt read whole thread but check this video out

start at 1:40


check out the 625lb deadlift with no belt
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That reminds me. As I was walking down into my block for the first time scarred shitless. I see this massive cue ball guy with four of those heavy type plastic chairs stacked on one another doing side lateral raises with ease. At that moment I shit myself.

i know a few boys that have been to arthur gorrie, woodford (violent offenders max security)

you must have been in a rough time then or some shit.

my mate at arthur gorrie, got started once in a 90 day sentence. other than that it was smooth sailing.

this guy i know who was at woodford said that shit was off the hook, but still held his own and no one was murdered or anything.

again another guy i know was at arthur gorrie and said it was pretty relaxed.

im not doubting that shit doesnt happen, but the way you explain it makes it sound like this shit goes down every day haha, which i believe isn't the case at all.
Well I would have been bashed about 10 times in 67 days including a fractured cheek bone. I was in the most violent unit as it was full of youths out there to prove themselves. When there is a fight the whole jail gets locked down so that means if another unit was doing their once a week gym and I got bashed they lost their gym which made all the units hate ours. I think I was in about 20 lockdowns while I was there and 15-17 odd of them were caused by our unit.

Had I been in a more mature unit I could see how it would be a bit cruzier. I'm not trying to make it sound worse then it was but I had a real bad time in jail and I know a few others that did. I also know the the two murders that happened.

I've heard woodford is a bit rougher but they have better facilities. If you go into protection it's really easy. That's where everyone goes that are scared of mainstream or are pedo's or rapists. Arthur gorrie has a fairly big protection section but if it's full they get transferred to sir David longlands which is a protection prison.

When I was in the watch house I spoke to a guy who had been to most of the prisons in Australia. He said I would survive if I kept my head down and didn't go looking for trouble. He was wrong in my case. I'm sure others have different experiences but my 67 days were hard. Hard to sleep, watching my back when I eat, spending allot of time in my cell in order to not get jumped again and all the time wondering how many years I was going to be there.

When I was one week from my court date I had a fairly severe threat against me. The screws knew of my situation and one of them offered to put me on red lockdown for the week which means you cant leave your cell, no power for tv or lights in your cell and about half the food as normal. He just told me to go off at him in front of everyone and call him a few names etc. I did and spent my last week in isolation which was heaven to me. The first week I slept through.

I'm not trying to be racist but my unit was run by abo's and if you didn't suck up to them they made you their target till you did. I would never give them the satisfaction of the time of day let alone buy the Tim tams or shit like that.

Wow sounds like a tough life. Were there any asians in there? And if there were, how did they fare up?
Wow sounds like a tough life. Were there any asians in there? And if there were, how did they fare up?

One Asian guy. He got in one fight but he was generally accepted as he was a bit rough himself. I was the only person in my unit that had a good upbringing. They were all drug addicts and I stood out for sure. I gelt bad for allot of them even the ones who would attack me as they never had a chance in life with the cards they were delt.
I'm not trying to be racist but my unit was run by abo's and if you didn't suck up to them they made you their target till you did. I would never give them the satisfaction of the time of day let alone buy the Tim tams or shit like that.

It's not racist if it is the truth. Just being aboriginal puts you at a massive risk of being incarcerated, compared to white folk. It can be put down to education, drugs, upbringing etc, but just like the USA, they make up a minority of our population, but a majority, percentage wise, in prison.
Gaucheharbor are you big/small? Does it matter in there or do they just gang up on you if you're big?

I was in Police lockup for one night a few years back for a drunken incident during a night out clubbing and got beat up by an abo who was a fair bit bigger than me. Still pisses me off to this day cos there wasn't much I could do about it. I seriously hate all abos. It's like it's everyone else's fault that they're going back to prison

The only answer I can see is to get stronger, get bigger, get faster, learn to fight and don't pitty them at all when shit goes down because they don't, and because if you end up back in that situation noone is there to help you except yourself.
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I was fairly big in the scheme of my unit which made me a target I think. Problem was it was never 1v1. In most of my fights I had to protect my head and wait it out. There was one where they came at me 1 at a time and I dropped one of them. Best day in jail that day geez I felt good. Of course it made it worse though a he was posed off I dropped him.

One "fight" these two guys were pissing me off while I was playing badminton in the gym. They kept throwing balls at me etc to stir me up. Anyhow I got sick of it and decided to sit down so I wouldn't get in a fight again... So I'm sitting there and one of them went and got a cup of hot water from the urn (I didn't see him do it) they kept walking past me and I was ignoring them.

Then suddenly boiling water is dropped onto my lap. I stood up and knocked the guy out who did it. He just dropped like in the movies. As I turned around to walk away I got collected by the biggest haymaker by the biggest guy in our unit. I took about four steps back but didn't fall. Then i was tackled by a screw and handcuffed. They had my face pinned down against the ground hard right where my cheek bone was just fractured. I had bad concussion in and out kind of thing. They took me to medical for xrays and gave me panadol of all things, had the worst migraine ever. I stayed in medical for a week which was a good week but at the same time really really boring. Like a 2x2 cell that everyone could see in with nothing in it except a piss jug and a thin mattress.

My parents came down for a visit and my eye was closed over. They hadn't heard from me in days because I couldn't use the pay phone in my unit. My mum just broke down and I honestly think that was the hardest thing about jail. It was seeing your family going through hell because your in hell.
I'm not a racist but I hate the majority of abo's.... At the same time the whole live off the land thing is pretty cool and I understand how western society is a shock to them and they didn't get a choice. I actually know a few decent hard working ones who have told me they hate their race and the image they make for their people. One of the best people I met in jail was an abo. He was smart, kind and had a world of potential. He was just going to be another statistic though and be in and out of jail as his family were metho sucking scum and gave him no chance. I could not beat him at chess and I thought I was alright at it.

The white people in there were no better. They were just as bad. Hard to explain the people they were but let's just say if they were outside jail none of them would have jobs, they would all do drugs and they will steal until they get caught again.
Sounds like an episode of Oz. What sort of punishments get handsd out for fighting?

Lockdown. Red level for a day. Next time red level for a week. Next time iso (think that's what it was called) unit. That's basically solitary. Then if you kill someone or injure a guard it's the msu unit which is long term isolation. All you get is a bed and a bible. It's like prison inside a prison.
im just curious,

you always see STAUNCH FUCKING DUDES in the play house, is it just because they rape and pillage for more milk, or is it just that you really don't need that much food to grow?

i know sus and deca are plentiful in there, my question purely revolves around the diet side of things!

Only seen weed in my unit. Milk was the big thing people would fight over. Only real protein source except for some good lunches and dinner. Some of the meals were just shit though.
I think prison gyms and study things are a great idea. I mean you could treat them like shit... but the only impact treating people badly has is to make them treat others just as bad. The idea behind prisons abhorant. The idea should be to keep as many people as possible out of prison, and everything done IN prison to keep people out of prison is the way to go. I just don't see why the studies towards jobs/trades in there should be optional, I think mandatory 15+ hours a day. You'll get to punish them but at the same time it would help them reintegrate as opposed to the opposite. I think that prisons are backwards in their goals, you take violent unsociable people with little education, and make them more violent, less sociable and less educated. Smart move ! and people fucking wonder why prisoners reoffend. I can't blame reoffenders one bit, a non offender put in prison would come out and make a first time offence, with that system, I think.

ah that's crap , that is what we are led to believe , but in reality the colour of your skin makes no difference it is what you do you with your life what you want out of it
i know quite a few aboriginals some in a profession some that play the race card saying the world is out to get them

the one's in the proffession told me the same thing , that they one's that get into trouble play the race card that the world is out to get them , they have tried educating the youngings that to get anything out life you need to put in the hard effort , but of course that is too much hard work

my next door neighbours are a good example 3 brothers , 2 brothers go looking for trouble out there in the street pissing on and yelling abuse at everyone that walks by ,and crying that the world is out to get them , while the older brother has a semi decent job you don't even hear from him when he's home