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past 2 weeks iv been using this oral compound, i started on 30mg/day but after a week dropped to 15 with no loss.

i can record less rests between training body parts, in other words i can train legs monday then again tuesday with almost 100% strength.

iv lost alot of fat, especially around my guts, iv also not dieted, infact iv been smashing heaps of food, im not a no carb trainer.

iv heaps of energy, im going to experiment with t3, im not ever concerned about my fat% but i have noted that i was struggling to loose xmas kgs.

good shit but tastes like dunny cleaner(if you could imagion that haha)
T3 is a big step man, you can fuck it up permanently where you have no permanent losses of weight.
i have used t3 for many years with NO ill effects on my thyroid, i ment to say il be incorporating it into the GW stack.