Well the year is done, didnt finish as well as I hoped but gave it a fair ol fukin crack during the year, started fat, finished fat, but bigger and stronger. Plowed through the year utilising simple 5 x 5 methods and added a heap to my dead, squat and a teency tiny bit to my bench but overall feel much stronger!!!! So still fat, but stronger, will keep plugging away this year and add in a shit load of hiit and keep up with the 5 x 5 (it works for me) and keep going with sled drags (just cos I like em)
So start of the year measurements were: and now
Thighs 23 inches.............................now 26.5/27 inches
Chest across nipples 45 inches...........now 49 inches
Waist 43 inches...............................44 inches yeah yeah fat I know
Arms 16 inches................................ a hair over 17 inches
Pics start of year
And now, dont laugh at the posing, I have no fukin idea and had to quickly bust a move while phone was on timer resting on bathroom bench :d
Best lifts this year, Dead 240 x 1 and 230 x 3, Squat 200 x 1 and recently 190 x 5
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErYkT_yXT_Q]Deadlift 240 x 1 - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5bA1aLjBJU]Squat 190 x 5 - YouTube[/ame]