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Grip Training/Thick Bar Training

maybe it effectively makes it a fat bar deadlift and because you're still gripping the bar maximally even though the straps support it, it improves grip

Just pure guess work though
I have some heavy grippers and can close the 300lb one with out really ever training with them, I find them pretty boring.

Interesting, so would this be a 300lb Captains of Crush gripper, or a 300lb made in Taiwan gripper??

As only about 9 people have closed the 300lb gripper world wide under competition conditions, this would put you with the the strongest grip specialists and strong men in the world.

And a bit too much talk about dead lifts and stuff and not enough about grip training

Heavy gripper is the brand.
I'm actually serious about finger curls I quite often finish a workout with forearm curls and I I do let the bar run down the fingers as well.

Good grip strength is a good indication of high natural test levels.
I don't think I need to train grip strength directly but I enjoy using captains of crush simply for the novelty of closing a gripper that most people can't simply pick up and close
I'm actually serious about finger curls I quite often finish a workout with forearm curls and I I do let the bar run down the fingers as well.

Good grip strength is a good indication of high natural test levels.

I was reading some studies a few years ago, that iirc, knocked the usefulness of forearms curls when considering the benefits and possible damages cause to the wrists. I can't remember where or when I saw this though...

Oni, got some references for me?
Mick here is a link for them.

Heavy Grip Handgrippers- Hand Grippers, grippers, handgripper, wrist, strength

Haven't used mine for about a year, just pulled them out, closed the 250 easily and about 1mm from closing the 300.

I see, nice grippers as well, there are so many copies out there now, had a read and these are rated by the torque (twisting action) of the spring, rather than the crushing power required to close them.

I guess since there is no international rating system/standards for grippers it would be comparing apples with oranges...no matter at least it clears it up, and I bet the 300 you have will be a beast to close.

Tried my CoC grippers today, can easily close the trainer for reps/warm up, can fully close the number one, and I am about 10mm off closing the number 2, used to be able to close it when I trained with them regularly.

Adding gripper training again, so should be able to close it soon again.

The secret is not to over train with these as they can possibly cause over use injuries I believe, so slow and steady would be the go IMO.

All I know is that a lot of people do wrist curls incorrectly, by pumping the wrists back and forth. The finger curl is done controlled and for low reps to improve strength of the finger flexors. It may also lack proper control. As I mentioned earlier about crush grippers, finger curls may not carry over directly to grip strength. They will however (as will anything that gives overload) give enough strength in the finger flexors and physiological changes that you get a big increase doing things like holding a barbell
Your grip isn't strong not because you don't do enough grip training but because you still pull 180.

Look into it.
Most people dont have an issue with grip until 200+kg deadlifts. We have a client to be who has a damaged finger, it is not useable, and he has trouble with grip on that one side, which is understandable. To help him, we will be doing fat bar deadlifts, fat bar holds, farmers walk, DB squats, chins. He is competing in our deadlift competition on open day, balls right there.

New fat bar below, second from bottom.

I used to do plate carries (just like farmers carry but holding bumper plate(s) by a side) and found them useful
I haven't ever used chalk - seems you can't, at my gym - so, maybe because of that, my grip is actually a bit dodgy already (160kg over/under DL).

Haven't actually dropped the bar, so far, but either my grip needs some work (probably), or I need to persuade the gym managers/whoever to allow chalk to get sprayed all over the damn place. And hopefully, to supply some, but I could easily afford that, if not.
Bugger them, they cant call themselves a gym if they dont allow chalk.
Just use the chalk mate, you will be happy with the results.
Yeah, I was training at an underground gym today, and the manager was frowning on the use of chalk.

His two day-staff (who are international BB trainers) encouraged the use

Ignore the rules of 'no chalk' and clean up after yourself. If you get a talking to, act stupid.
I impulse bought an adjustable grip strength thingy ages ago. I think I've used it 3 times

I like Bazza's idea of doing power shrugs or even just calf raises for something to do. That shit gets hard after about a minute or so with some decent weight.
Chalked mode: engaged. And yep, it does help. No issues so far, either.

I'll look into Fat Gripz next, I reckon, as far as grip stuff goes.