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Grandparent Diet


Ive notcied that my grandperants, And im sure alot of other people aswell.

They Eat little to no Protien. Its pasta of some sort, and lots of vegies.

I know there old and might find it hard to tear into a steak, What ever the reason.

It this just a older person thing, They are both mid 80's and used to eat a fair bit if meat up untill a few years ago.

Could this be a big factor in longevity, I belive at that age there wouldnet be a big need for protien intake Due to very little mucle mass, But still it couldnet hurt to try as preserve what you have/had.
Yeah I would be interested in how important this would be for older people.

I know when my great grandma in her 90s was talking to the doc and he asked what she was eating. She was eating heaps of butter and salt on her food, chocolate, any sweets she could get her hands on, cream, the lot basically. He said, ah stuff it, keep eating it. Seems to be working well so far. Lol.
I wonder if its more based on income security, maybe they feel insecure spending so much on meat when most no longer earn an income and live soley off what they already saved in super/investments etc. I know my parents eat a lot less meat these days (they are in their 60s) as opposed to yesteryear. My father is not rich, I would say middle class, but he has often complained about the cost of food being absolutely ridiculous, and he refuses to buy it at that cost. I know he could afford it, but he chooses not to, he and his friends also grow allot of back yard veg etc which my family get the benefits from. I really think its more of a stubborn stance taken by elderly folks not to consume expensive food, and meat is about as expensive as it gets. Just a thought.

EDIT: And how could pensioners afford to eat much meat, they get stuff all. Maybe they just eat the veg as its cheaper mostly.
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I think you've all missed an important part of getting old - bowel movements. Lots of pasta and veggies and little to no meat makes things a lot more 'comfortable' so to speak.

Also as already mentioned, they hardly have much need for protein, they aren't exactly carrying much muscle at that age.
I don't know about you, but old people have bowel movement stenches that could out last religion. They have no problem in that regard

FYI, right amount of fibre = fully functioning bowel.

IMO oldies don't consume protein/meat for the most part is has to do with the act of eating meat, more so for the ones with false teeth and the cost of it as most are on a pension etc.

Also they are just to busy watching 'Days of Our Lives', playing the pokies and having a drink of gin than to eat

Protein synthesis is much more difficult to achieve at an older age (see below link), so to maintain muscle mass the need it. The whole reason why they don't have much is the same reason why all people don't have or lose muscle, not enough protein nor performing Resistance training.

Study - Influence of the Protein Digestion Rate on Protein Turnover in Young and Elderly Subjects Found older people responded better to whey as it enhanced/stimulated protein synthesis where as younger people responded better with casein.
HRT ftw!

Whats with eating a banana on bread for a meal...

As we age we have a genetic decline in metabolic rate and basically all our hormones funny it seems protein requirements go up not down as we age. Yet older people eat the least it seems...
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You would find that the stomach does not produce/secrete hydrochloric acid at 80 as it once did when at a younger age, especially if heart-burn/anti-acid medications have been used on a regular basis (due to either a faulty eating habit or simply over eating).

So what is the significance of what I’m saying? Well, protein cannot be digested properly without sufficient hydrochloric acid.
