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Going out

I still have the occasional drink. Nothing to excess but the odd beer or two for mates birthdays and special occaisons.

Spending $400 on alcohol is insane. If you want to alter your state of mind you can do much better than alchol with that budget!

It isnt that much, considering in clubs a beer is something like $11 you don't get real far...

And I meant about $180 - $200 a night, and I used to get drunk every Friday and Saturday night so that's $400 just on alcohol let alone drunken eating, cab fares, club entry...

I can't wait to see what nOObs response is to that article haha!


It almost looks like the soy debate all over again...

I dont see him mention igf-1 on his website. A powerful anabolic hormone... He mentions testosterone decreases. I dont know how that is positive. He doesnt mention the effects of backlogging oestrogen.

He pin points some studies that shows increased insulin sensitivity.. Big woop take some chromium that will help.

But he is giving the people what he wants, and drawing attention to his website in the process.

I can show you a study that being a vegetarian makes you live longer, I dont anyone here would run out to jump on that bandwagon, however i can also show you being a omnivore leads to longer life spam...

So what one is it?

There are positives and negatives to all things. You have to take them into account. There is enough negative associated aspects of drinking alcohol. I dont really need some nutrition consultant website to be the defining point of what i do with my life..

What about protein synthesis? Strangely enough, the acute effects of alcohol on muscle protein synthesis in normal human subjects are non-existent in the scientific litterature

First define an normal human? And as posted above we have alot of animal studies.. Im fairly certain they have protein synthesis as well. In fact the majority of studies are done on animals as it is simply cheaper. That does not mean that these studies are useless or not relevent. Just means he doesnt want to post them.

I personally dont want to look like this... Wonder what his lifts are..
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Oh i just found this review from him...

He also states..

Now lets click on that study for say depression

CONCLUSIONS: Light-moderate and moderate drinkers had less depression in the presence of stress than persons in other more extreme drinking categories.

What was that?

He stated that alcohol protects against depression... And the study he used to reference that point proves him wrong. The people that drank more were more depressed? Logic? Although the light- moderate drinkers had less depression it was measured against heavy drinkers. So how he came to this conclusion of alcohol protecitng against depression is beyond me especially when alcohol is mentally addictive and a depressant.

Also inregards to other studies. I.e Cancer...

moderate alcohol consumption may be associated with decreased risk of RCC

Maybe and IS are 2 different things.

Wonder what other bullshit i can unwravel.
It is possible to only have a drink when you go out, it's all willpower to say no. If your dedicated to what you do then it shouldn't be too hard. Plus an occasional drink. I.e once a week (not binge drinking) or once every two weeks isn't too bad for you.
I used to drink most weekends and would get smashed. Since I have stopped drinking (12 months) I have lost 40kg, my strength has gone up big time and I have saved over $5000 which would normally have been spent on alcohol and drunken related things.

I don't regret giving up alcohol one bit.

Lift and be healthy or drink and be "average". Was an easy decision for me.

Oh and I don't understand people who say they need alcohol to have a good time and be sociable, that's just sad imo.

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Its like people who need sugar in their coffee otherwise it tastes like shit...

News flash they dont like coffee and they need sugar to mask the taste.

Oh and the coffee is your friends and sugar is the alcohol for those people who are retarded.
Alcohol is a scurge on society.
Alcohol is a toxin.
Alcohol burns holes in wallets.
Alcohol serves no purpose.

I haven't had a drink in 17 years save for 1 or 2 occassions.

I will not let those occasions poison me again.
Alcohol is a scurge on society.
Alcohol is a toxin.
Alcohol burns holes in wallets.
Alcohol serves no purpose.

I haven't had a drink in 17 years save for 1 or 2 occassions.

I will not let those occasions poison me again.

But that article said it was beneficial to drink?

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I don't live life by studies I live by what is, studies can be useful if done properly.
But looking at 1 aspect of peoples life and making a judgement on 1 thing as absolute is ridiculous.
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But that article said it was beneficial to drink?

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I can show you a million articles that say it is not benefiaial to drink.
Alcohol by definition is classed as a toxin.
Toxins are poisonous. Why would anyone knowingly drink a poison?
Lol , his website is like Swiss cheese...

But people will google and find an excuse to want to get pissed gives him publicity I'm the process..

There are too many factors with alcohol to simply say get pissed and live longer.. The negatives far out weigh the positive. Smoking has a positive on certain disease conditions one being ulcerative colitis. However I don't see people being told to start smoking for this reason, why would drinking ethanol be any different in terms of longevity..

Slot of things can make you live longer yet I don't see anyone rushing out to do them. People like to find excuses for their habits.
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best place to argue pro-drinking is this forum hehehe

I don't drink often these days, but I like 2-4 beers when I do. I used to burn through the bags and beers every wknd. Don't know how I afforded it now to be honest.

Much more focused on training and work. I can see the difference in performance and brain function/thought process now that I basically don't drink. But body composition - It's had no influence on. Probably starts to take a toll the older you get, but at 25 I haven't noticed any difference.
haha i know where your coming from bro, love going out and gettin hammerd but definately noticed it effects my growth so gunna go without alcohol until foreshore in november and hopefully get ripped up for it haha, just gotta keep motivated and take pre workouts insted to get jumpin xD