hay my names kial. new to this site. iv been body building for about 10 months now and dont really have anyone to show me the ropes so i just play it by ear but watching different ways to do exercises on youtube and stuff. my objective is to gain some lean muscle and tone and compete in competitions. im pretty deticated to this sport. when i started i weight 69-70kg and im currently 83-84 kg with a good gut. lol. i do the MRI program that come with the pre trainer called BLACK POWDER. i feel as though its not enough but unsure how hard to push myself. i deit well eating 2-3 g of protein per kg of bodyweight and same sort of thing with carbs. i think its 40%pro40%carb20%good fat. im open to anything and if there is better ways to do bodybuilding let me know and others no. dont hold back.