I wouldnt date her cause I dont really feel anything for her but she is attractive.
Yeah my concern is that warts dont show up on blood tests and condoms dont protect you against genital warts. So protection doesnt matter too much in that case
My friend, if you don't feel anything for her, then move the fuck on lol
There are plenty of other attractive people in the world who don't have possible herpes or genital warts or whatever the hell.
I have friends where he got herpes when he was very young and they've been married for 15 years with two kiddies and she doesn't have it. I guess they know how to time it and how to protect themselves when he's having an outbreak? lol
Farrrk I can't even imagine what it's like. That being said. Go find yourself someone you think is cute who doesn't have the possible imminent threat of genital warts hanging over her head?
The very fact that she mentioned it to you at all, tells me a) she's not sure whether she's got it or not b) she thinks she could possibly have it c) she knows the ex has it and knows she had unprotected sex with him so COULD have it.
I don't typically get into 'that' conversation, because I'm a lifetime fucking nun lol - but the few times I have been asked, I can answer unequivocably and instantly "Yes I've been tested, no I've never had anything, nor do I have anything"
If you gotta say "Errr my ex had genital warts but I'm ok" - it aint good. If she truly believed she was clear, she wouldn't even mention the ex at all I wouldn't have thought?
Anyway, kudos to her for being honest. Many people aren't.
kal-el - find someone else. Meaningless sex is only meaningless if you don't take a lifetime STD away with you lol
EDIT : genital warts. Whatever. Move on! mwahaha